Chapter 31: Dream in Color

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We lied to our people telling them we found Charles alive and that his threats were only ones of fear, when in reality we didn't know what was to come and he was dead...

As I packed Simons things for Dragons Mountain I couldn't help but feel the shame, standing beside Rone lying to our people to protect his crown. I knew it wasnt right, Ash as well but we had no choice. The treaty between Dragons mountain and Court has been signed finally, if Ashs people were to find out because of Rone our lives might be at peril everything would go to shit. They'd think him unfit as king.

Court was still my home and every bit as important to me as anywhere else but I was leaving it in the hands of Rone and Berella, there is nothing left for Simon and I here. My brother Noah, his wife and newborn daughter will be coming as well, Ash has already found us a home close to the manor. Simon will be staying with me my mom wanted me to be there for Simon, to protect him and thats what I am going to do. I will make him strong, I will train him till he is as great of a warrior as me. He will know how to survive, he has to but he will also know what it's like to have a family.

Gregory and I had an odd night last night after getting back from the festival, the last time we shared a bed together was when we were together. I had to admit it was nice not to be alone, just having him near helped me sleep through the night listening to his shallow breathe, sounding like waves crashing into a shore.

I've already said my goodbyes to Berella, though we both knew we could simply talk to each other through or connection. I wasn't a fan of having her in my mind but I guess it did have its perks. Another shocker this morning is that Mushu and Shay were also coming along, Gregory convinced him to come as he's retiring anyways. It'll be a nice change for both of them.

Once we get back to Dragons mountain Ash, Gregory, Orion and I will be taking dragons over the dark woods and retrieving whats left of the white witches. I haven't ran into a dark witch yet and after seeing what they could do to Ash I was a bit nervous flying over their part of the woods. Even if we get everyone out safely afterwards we would have to go into the dark woods and see what we're up against. I was ready I only feared what I didnt know or who I might have to watch die.

Gregory grabbed the remainder of our bags and took them outside to the horse and wagon. The shack was now empty nothing but an old couch, a table and old memories. Simon didn't even bother to look back he was waiting outside with Ash and my brother.

"Don't worry I'm sure someone will make of good use of this place," Noah said walking in with the baby in hand.

I took the precious baby girl from his arms and swayed her in my own as she slept. "She will have a much better life then we did," I smiled to myself, "she has you."

"And you," Noah cleared his throat. "That's why we're coming to Dragons Mountain with you. I want us to be a family in whatever way we can."

I looked up at Noah's dark eyes, he looked the most like mom then any of us. "You guys will love it there."

"I know what's happened with you and Rone," he gulped, I looked away shamefully. "Have you thought about what all of court would think? They love you, once he lets everyone know he's engaged with a human..."

"It's not my problem," I said cutting him off. "I've decided I'm going to continue living my life as if I've never met him." If my brother knew anything about me at all it was that when my mind wAs made up there is no turning back. I lied to myself for too long I dwelled on him for too long when I knew from the start how this would end, everyone knew but me it almost felt.

Noah put his hands up on defense, "I don't blame you."

I handed him back Stella my heart feeling heavy but enlightened all at once because this really was good bye, I didnt have a home here anymore. "I think we're ready."

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