Chapter 13: Delphia

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When we got back to Dragons Tower Ash announced he was in need of twenty volunteers to live in court. If this last step is a success Rone and Ash agreed to finally ally as one, our armies and people finally all as one. "I want to be a General while I'm here," I demanded. "I want my own team trained by me to take out on this side of the border to look for civilization. While we were at court there was said to be smoke a days ride from here, could be a camp." Ash stared at me, almost right through me. I couldnt read his face as I sat on the edge of his desk waiting for his answer but I didnt let my confidence waver.

"I assume if I dont provide you a team then you'll just go yourself," he raised a thick brow and pushed aside his dark hair from his face. The few months I've known him he's kept it short but I liked how his dark hair curled at the ends. It suited him well made him look less posh and more... dangerous. "You have yourself a deal as long as you come to me with all your findings. If we are to work together there should be no secrets," he said sternly. "There are survivors out there and here's to hoping they are just as lovely as us," he said siffering through stacks of papers and letters. "Also Blade is to go with you wherever you go."

"I have Gregory," I stated. "I like the boy but he is your second hand he should be here with you."

"And Gregory is yours?" He finally looked back up at me expressing the clear dislike of me sitting on his desk. "You're smart to surround yourself around people that'll sacrifice their necks for you... Blade would do anything for me but I'm afraid he is at the age of adventure and I wont deprive him of that. I remember when I was young I fought just to spill blood, to prove myself thats what he needs, thats what all leaders need." I rolled my eyes and stood up walking over to a shelf set up with all types of crystals. Since Dragons didn't have their own magic like us fae they used these sacred crystals for protection and healing properties. Rones father seemed to know much about them as he used one on me once.

"You could be anything in heart. Young, wise, charming but you chose to be like this. Fickle and cold, you know being around you isnt exactly welcoming."

"Then what does that make you?" Ash asked casting aside an envelope, sighing in frustration. I didnt know what he was so worked up about but there was something else on his mind. "I have something to show you I- uh hope your wings can make an evenings travel." The whole mysterious thing was kind of appealing at first but now I'm just concerned. This guy has no personality.

"That depends where are we going?"

"Its a surprise," more mystery.

"How do I know you aren't going to take me into the woods and kill me?" I crossed my hands over my chest, I was only half worried about that.

Ash got up and walked towards me, leaving a good distance between us. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes..." Even if he wanted to kill me I'd see him coming from a mile away. The more time we spend together the more I could see without even using magic. "This better be worth my evening I was looking forward to sparing in the caves, scope out your men and see who I want on my side." Anything to forget what I  had just given up. I needed to keep moving, I couldn't sit around and think about Rone all day.

"No one would dare spar you, word went around of you besting Blade in a matter of seconds," he grinned to himself in amusement not showing teeth. "Follow me."


We flew just above the towering full trees of gold and green. The wind was warm and relaxing on my wings, it made me realize how long its been since Ive really flew. You'd think all those years unable to fly I wouldnt stop. Ashes scaled wings were ten times the size as mine and even more dangerous looking then mine. He told me that a dragons wings can be poisons to their enemies, I wondered what else they could do other then breathe fire and create poison. "You're slow." It was sort of cool that Ash was able to only shift out his wings, I wondered if I could shift mine... in. I love my wings but I have always wondered what it would be like without them, I also wondered what it would be like to be human. I shook away the thought and squinted up at Ash who was taking in the scenery, he almost looked at peace as he flew infront of me.

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