Chapter 8: Dove too Deep

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To my surprise Noah was home, and he brought his newborn child and wife Gloria with him, "I need to get my hands on that little one," I squealed in glee. There weren't many happy things in this town but babies were one of them. They were full of new life and promise. "She's beautiful," I said in awe as Gloria set her child in my arms, two adoring parents watching their beautiful daughter.

   "The Queen is supposed to name her but there is no Queen. At least not yet, so Rone said the honor would be yours," Gloria smiled up at me proudly.

   "Me?" I looked down at the sweet babies face. Her hands were so small, her eyes so wide and curious. "The first baby born after the curse... I think I know exactly what she will be called," the name found me instantly, "Stella after the first Queen, may she be raised in beauty and health." I kissed her forehead, leaving a faint glow.

   "Thats perfect," Noah said his voice choking up. He loved her som so much. I could tell in his yellow eyes, how they watered with emotion.

   "Little Stella is going to have it rough growing up, not only does she have the best parents ever but an overprotective Aunt too!" I beamed, no one will hurt you, I vow it on my life.

   "And even when we pass she'll always have you," Gloria seemed to be more at peace with the thought and I was as well.

    I handed Stella back and hugged Gloria, "I will protect her and our family with my life."

   "You already have," Noah said rubbing my back.

   I parted from Gloria to hug my mother who sat on the couch, a glowing smile on her tired face. She at least looked better then when I last seen her. Her skin was less sickly, her eyes less sunken in, "How are you?"

   "Better since your father left," she smiled to herself as I cuddled up on the thin couch, watching Noah and Gloria glow with parenthood. "I kicked him out. Since Gloria and Noah moved back in hes been intolerable, drinking belligerent every night. I will not have their child grow up as you all did, she deserves better."

   I didn't know what to say at first, sure families and love were lose terms to Fae but I never thought my mother strong enough to leave Lux. "You did what was right," I said grabbing her small bony hand. "Are you coming to the ball tomorrow? It wont be much fun," not as fun as Lord Ashs parties which I hoped I could take her to one day, "A good dance and some old faces might do you well."

   "I already have a dress made," she said smiling thinly. "Lux will be there, I may be old but I want to show the bastard what he let get away. There is no point in crying or being ashamed, we haven't loved each other for years. I looked at him every morning and I just wanted to spit on him," she laughed to herself.

   "That sounds fairly close to hate."

   "I do hate him," she said evenly. "He's not the man I fell in love with and I guess I'm not the woman he fell in love with either. Enough about me though, how has Dragons Mountain been? Have they been treating you nice?"

   "They all seem like wonderful people, Lord Ash is a bit moody at times-"

   "As are you."

   I sighed, "You may be right but I know how to have fun right? He just always seems so on guard even when he smiles. I dont know maybe I'm looking for something not to like."

   "Why is that?

   "His Manor is perfect, he has easily six hundred people living in that mountain and at least four hundred of them being trained soldiers, elders. They strived while we could barely stay float during the curse. Yes they are dragons but I dont see how they didnt get touched the entire curse it just makes me think I guess."

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