The Move

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Finley's schedule had been busy again. He was back on the road promoting his new movie, and I had been left to unpack the new house. I had help from friends but there was so much to do it felt daunting, and living out of boxes was starting to get on my nerves. I heard the doorbell chime annoyingly in the distance. I reminded myself to change it to a normal doorbell sound when I got the chance. I made my way through the maze of turns to the front door. I swung it open and in front of me stood Ashleigh, a tall gorgeous auburn haired beauty, and Bella, a petite blonde hair, blue eyed all American girl. I squealed like a pig and threw my arms around them both. I stepped aside and allowed them to enter the massive entrance hall for the second time this week.

"God I could murder you. This house is stunning." Bella said in her sweet southern voice. She took in the grand staircase, and beautiful granite flooring all over again.

"Uh thanks?" I said half laughing. Ashleigh was looking around, and checking off to the sides and blurted out,

"Is Finley here?" She blushed a bright red that nearly matched her hair and I couldn't help but smile. She reminded me of me before I got into a relationship with him.

"No he's still in New York doing press. He'll be back tomorrow though. If you guys wanna meet him you're welcome to stay over." I offered. "I hate being here on my own. It's creepy and the house makes so much noise." I said shifting my weight uncomfortably. The night before I had barely slept. It had sounded like someone was creeping around the house and it had unsettled me so much, I had spent most of the night awake listening and trying to convince my terrified brain I was safe.

"Poor you, living in a small castle, that your amazing actor boyfriend bought you." Bella teased me. She rolled her eyes playfully and I smirked.

"I know," I said sighing dramatically "life is so hard dating Hollywood's heart throb" I put the back of my hand to my head. We all laughed and I showed them through to the kitchen where I was currently unpacking. Mr Boots greeted the two girls with happy meows and they both gave him fuss until he rolled over in a purring state of euphoria.

"This is such a beautiful kitchen" Ashleigh said. "The amount of baking I would get done in here is unreal." She opened the large, brand new range oven and looked inside. She then turned the hob on and off.

"Maybe you can bake some cookies for Finley," I teased, gently nudging Bella and grinning. Ashleigh had a huge crush on Finley, but I had learned not to let it bother me. I knew Finley would never cheat and I knew Ashleigh wouldn't betray me by trying anything with him. We all set about unpacking utensils and Tupperware, as I instructed them on where to put different items.

We took a break at around two in the afternoon and I made us all sandwiches. We sat on the rattan furniture and scoffed them hungrily. We sat on the terrace looking out over the beautiful well kept garden. I loved the garden as it reminded me of England and being at my parents house. The garden had lots of pruned flowers, but there was a large area that wild flowers had been allowed to reclaim so the insects would thrive. I loved listening to the bees buzz around as they gathered nectar and enjoyed seeing birds swoop in and catch insects and worms that they had spotted.

"It's so idyllic here Claire. You're so lucky." Bella said looking at me over her old beat up Chanel sunglasses. I looked around, and twirled some of my straight hair in between my fingers.

"I know, I'm lucky I have Finley in my life. He's the sweetest man I've ever met." I said with a dreamy sigh. Moving here had served its purpose, and despite the bickering that had happened during the move due to stress. Finley and I were more in love than ever. My life felt perfect and I had Finley to thank for it. We all stood up and began stretching. I cleared the table of our plates. We headed back in through the double french doors and began taking the boxes apart for recycling. I put the radio on, and an old Justin Beiber song came on. We all began singing at the top of our lungs as we danced around the kitchen. I was so grateful to have made new friends and Bella and Ashleigh were sweethearts.

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