A Big Mistake

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Ash and Bella had come over to get ready with me, and after an hour and a half of make up, wine, and doing our hair we had finally finished getting ready. We ordered an uber and headed into town. I hadn't experienced much of the normal LA nightlife and I was excited to see what it was really like. We thanked the driver, and got out of the car. I pulled my dress down and put my handbag over my shoulder. Ash and Bella knew a night club that they were excited to show me. I noticed a lot of people looking at me and whispering but I ignored it. It was happening less and less these days and I couldn't wait for people to simply forget I existed. The paparazzi were less forgiving, and continued to harass me at work, but I knew they would get bored eventually. They were only interested because Fin was succeeding in Hollywood again.

"I'm so excited! I've wanted you to come out with us for months" Bella squealed. She was practically bouncing down the street with Ash and I in tow.

"I thought you were never going to wear anything other than gym clothes again to be honest." Ashleigh stated. I nudged her gently and rolled my eyes. She smirked at me.

"Look, getting over Fin was a process. I'm at the end of the road now, and I'm single and ready to mingle. But only with the right kind of guys. Not any weirdo's I've chosen before." They led me to an impressive looking building. It was pristine on the outside, with wood lining the brick work. The glass front revealed bright laser lights and I could hear the music from outside. We got in fairly quickly and the noise was deafening. I had forgotten how loud clubs were. We all took each others hands, so as not to lose each other, and headed to the shining steel bar. They ordered shots and I ordered a vodka cranberry. We wandered around for a few minutes until we found a table with some chairs scattered around it. We weren't ready to dance, but I was sure after a few drinks we would abandon all our senses and be in the middle of the action. I watched them down their shots and sipped at my own drink. I had definitely sunk more wine than they had, and I knew my head would be aching tomorrow from mixing spirits and wine.

Before we knew it a group of guys had come to sit with us. Ashleigh and Bella were talking to two of them and I sat awkwardly in my chair, still sipping at my sweet drink. It had been a long time since I had even tried to start a conversation with a guy, and I had no idea how to even begin. I looked around and my eyes met a pair of dazzling, ocean blue's. I was mesmerised for a second and then broke the gaze. My face flushed slightly and I looked away. I finished my drink, and excused myself to go and get another one.

"Want some company?" A smooth voice said directly into my ear. I jumped slightly and spun around to face the mystery voice. The guy with the beautiful blue eyes had followed me. He gently snaked an arm around my waist and my heart began pounding. I leaned in and whispered in his ear,

"I was hoping you would follow me." It was the best my drunken brain could come up with on the spot. I pulled away slightly and a smirk tugged at the guys face. His brown hair swooped down across his face, and ended just above his eyes.

"I'm Claire," I said with my best impression of a sexy smirk.

"I'm Brad." He replied in a sultry tone. I waited at the bar, and Brad stood close behind me. His hands rested lightly on my waist, as though he was claiming me. I could practically feel his breath on the back of my neck. Someone nudged into him and he inadvertently moved closer to me. His body was now pressed against mine. This was an alien feeling to me. The last person who had been close to me like this, was Fin. I pushed him out of my head. I didn't want to think about him. Our shots arrived and we quickly downed them one after the other. The alcohol felt like it struck me immediately. I went from slightly drunk, to almost completely sloshed in about thirty seconds.

"God that was a rush." I said trying to force my eyes to focus. They felt like they were spinning in my head, and the moving, flashing lasers were making me giddy.

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