Finding Me

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The rest of the car journey was silent. I had turned my phone off as Finley had tried to call me so many times. I couldn't talk to him yet. Had I really just broken up with the only man I had ever truly been in love with? Thoughts were racing through my brain and I was feeling dizzy. Moreover I had to leave Mr Boots behind and I had been missing him desperately. I would talk to Finley in a few days when he had calmed down. Right now I needed to heal. Mum and Dad pulled up to their house and the gates opened. Dad had installed sensors that, when programmed, recognised your number plate and opened for approved registration plates so he didn't have to keep putting a code in. They pulled up outside the gorgeous home Finley and I had once shared and I smiled sadly. All of our best memories of living together were in this house. It was probably why I felt so safe there. I slowly dragged myself out of the car and went to get my suitcase. Dad shooed me away and said he would do it.

"Come on love, let's get you a cup of tea." Mum said. She put her arms around my shoulders and led me inside the home. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by a familiar voice,

"Claire bear?" Jamie said, sounding emotional.

"Jay?" I said looking up. In front of me stood my best friend. I hadn't seen him in months because of Finley, and last time we had spoken it had led to an argument. We ran and embraced each other. Both of us were crying and I held on to Jamie like my life depended on it.

"How are you?" I asked. My voice muffled by his thick jumper.

"Awful. Garrett and I broke up. How are you?" He said.

"Awful. Finley and I just broke up." We both laughed and cried at the same time. I couldn't believe he had come to see me. "I've missed you Jay, and I'm so sorry about all those terrible things I said."

"Me too Claire, I never wanna fight again. I've been so stressed and I wanted to text you I just didn't know how." He said. We both stood for a few minutes just hugging and crying and Mum called us.

"Come on you nutters, your tea is getting cold." We separated and both wiped our faces. We laughed at each other and went into the lounge, arm in arm. It felt so good having Jamie here in my most vulnerable moment. We sat on the comfy fabric sofa, in front of the log burner that Mum and Dad had installed. The TV was playing some new soap opera that Mum was interested in. I laid my head on Jamie's shoulder, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was heading in the right direction again.

Finley's POV

I smashed an empty plate against the wall. How could she do this to me? I walked to the window, and watch as her parents car pulled out of the driveway. Mr Boots jumped up on the table next to me, and head butted my arm. I looked down and picked him up. I held him close to me, and I could still smell her perfume on him. He purred loudly as I buried my face in his fur. Surely this was a joke? Maybe she just needed a break from me. She would come back. I knew she would. My head was pounding from the come down I was currently on. I clenched my jaw and put Mr Boots down. I sat on the bed and ran my fingers through my hair. All at once it hit me again.

"She has to come back. I need her to come back." I said aloud to nobody. I grabbed my phone and rang her number. It rang and rang, but there was no answer until it went to voicemail. I hung up and tried again. The same result. I kept trying until eventually she turned her phone off. I couldn't control my tears and I felt empty. I had felt emptiness like this before I met her and now I had invited it back into my life. I opened whatsapp and sent her a message.

"Claire, if you need time, I can give you time, but please. I don't want to face everything without you."

"I need you in my life Claire. You keep me grounded."

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