Chapter 33

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Percy was unexpectedly hit with a face full of black hair. Taking just a split second to recognize the god, she hugged him back fiercely, unable to prevent the gasp of surprise from escaping her mouth. "Loki!" she laughed, and reached up to ruffled his perfectly slicked back hair.

He tried to duck away,, but she was to fast and ended up messing up his hair even more. "Noo! I just did my hair!" He protested weakly, unable to act angry because he was so glad to see her. His eyes were lit with a gleam of pure happiness which warmed her core. 

"Forgot your brother already?" Thor playfully asked in mock offence, smiling at his fiancee and brother.  "Of course not, brother...she is just way better than you." Loki bit back and proceeded to give him a tiny hug too, winking at Percy over his shoulder.

Once the greeting were out of the way, the corners of Loki's mouth turned down, hinting that whatever was coming was not good.

"I was sent to escort you to fathers chambers." He said, not meeting both their eyes. Then she knew why his mood took a whole 180 degrees turn. "Well, what are we waiting for?" she clapped her hands together, lightening the tension in the air successfully and turned on her heels and strut confidently ahead, her head held high.

"Um, sister, it's this way." The god of mischief called out, stifling his laughter. Flustered and red, she turned and made her way in the opposite direction, completely embarrassed. "I knew that!" She shot back, getting even more embarrassed by hearing her love laugh harder. 

"It's not  funny!" She cried, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for their laughter to subside.


The mood was sober as the trio stood in front of the king of Asgard. He studied them with a sharp gaze as the brothers bowed and Persia sunk into a curtsy, keeping her head held high and eyes on his. She wanted him to know that even though he ruled a whole Parthenon, he did not rule her.

He seemed to be a bit taken aback by her little act of defiance, but also seemed to grudgingly respect her after it, as he spoke, "Lady Persia, welcome."

"The pleasure is mine, King Odin." She replied, equally respectful. She had subconsciously moved closer to Thor, unsettled by the kings cold eye, and had only realized it when he took her hand and laced his finger in hers. Immediately a sense of security flooded her, calming her racing heart. 

"I assume my son has informed you why you have been called here?" Odin asked, still rigid and formal as possible. "Yes, my lord." She answered, just as formally as he had, still not breaking the severe eye-contact.

"Then you may get to it. My wife will help you will all the details and customs for the tests." He dismissed them, and motioned for his hands for them to leave.

Finally, Percy broke her gaze from the old god and moved her eyes to the familiar blue-grey of her fiance and almost instantaneously she felt better. There was just something in the all father's eye which made her want to curl up in a ball and hide from the world, and still push her shoulders back and be sassy, but unfortunately she could do nothing except seek comfort in Thor's rough hand which covered her own.

"Thank you father." Thor said, and bowed again, squeezing Percy's hand lightly so that she would get the hint. Moments after both Thor and Loki bowed again, she too put one foot behind the other and sunk low, the white fabric of her dress pooling around her feet. 

Odin simply nodded in acknowledgement and only then were they allowed to leave. Percy was surprised with the amount of formality which was followed in her future husbands home. All the bows and curtsies and twisted words had left her too dizzy to even process where they were even going. All she felt was Thor's hand on her as he led her somewhere.

She hadn't even realized when Loki had left, but in the back of her mind she knew that he had excused himself after their 'meeting' with the king. Before long, she was standing in front of two big doors, her feet aching due to the continuous travelling through the endless maze of a castle.

Thor quickly pushed them open, only to reveal a sort of bedroom, which smelt just like him. She quickly gathered her thoughts and pushed her dizziness away, just to realize that he had brought them to his chamber.

Without wasting any time he put his forehead onto Persia's and pulled her closer, giving her the comfort she desperately needed. There was no particular reason why she felt as if she need comfort, but there was just the extreme overwhelming feeling she was felt as she came into a whole new world, a whole new culture.

And Thor understood her, just like every single time.

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