Chapter 40

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The whole hall was decked in Gold and White. It was a gorgeous combination, elegant and sophisticated in its own way. There were splashes of color here and there, but Percy wanted the theme to be as serene as possible.

She scanned the whole room once more, just to make sure nothing was missing. It was far more terrorizing that she had initially thought it would be, but Thor, like always had made it easier. 

A spontaneous hug when she was deciding the silverware, dropping a small kiss on her lips when she was stressing on the guest list, a small, reassuring touch when she was contemplating whether they ought to have seafood or meat. 

That was all she'd ever wanted. Someone just to be there. 

He had done everything in his power to help her, offering to bring her books from the library, massaging her shoulders when the tension build up, but she had refused his generous offers. She wanted to prove herself, and she was not going to accept his charity.

Knowing how stubborn she could be, Thor had dropped it, and had focused on emotionally supporting her, like he was doing now as she stood in the center of the hall. He had kept his eyes trained on her, something which was very easy for him, and had sent waves of support when her eyes touched his.

It was not much, but he was glad that he could at least do something. 

He observed Persia, as she swept to the dinner table and checked over the expensive finery. He knew it was perfect, everything was, but he also knew that the anxiety was not something that left easily, so he let her roam around again and again.

It was after the 6th round that he'd gotten up and gently grabbed her arm. He had observed a restless panic in her shuffling movements and darting eyes, something that worried him.
"Darling, come." He'd said. 
"Yes, yes of course. I just-" She waved her hands around, trying to put her thoughts into words, her engagement ring catching light and dispersing it. 
"I understand, but come sit with me for sometime. You can go fret again later."

And so they sat, in comfortable silence. There was no need to fill the silence, so they didn't, choosing to simply relax. During that time, Thor observed his fiancée's work.

She had an exquisite job. It was expected, he thought, after spending so many sleepless nights reading about their culture and traditions. That was where she had gotten the colors of gold and white, which were considers auspicious to the Norse. The though warmed his heart. 

Overall the hall was not very dolled up, something which was very smart  of her. She had taken the raw beauty of the traditional Viking hall and just accentuated it. Small white flowers here and there, a dusting of gold glitter which shimmered, scented golden candles lit every corner. It was simple, but its simplicity had made it even more beautiful.

He had no clue whatsoever of the food though. He knew she had researched a lot from the books, and had spend hours in the kitchens, but he knew nothing of what was to be expected. 

But he knew it was going to be amazing. 

His thoughts were interrupted as a soft body leaned on him, startling him. He shifted his eyes to see Percy, who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. 

It was no wonder she was exhausted, he thought. He wondered if he should wake her, something that she would have wanted him to do, but as he brushed back her thick hair, he decided against it. 

She had not had a full night's sleep for a few days, so a short nap would do her good. She would be mad at him, no doubt, but he figured it would be worth to see her purple bags disappear. 

So her sighed his own death warrant as he swung her into his arms and carried her to her bedroom.

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