Chapter 54

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She didn't want to go back, but unfortunately, she had no choice. Persia was expected to return with Thor to Asgard where she would complete her Bridal tests by fighting whomever wanted her gone. 

She was sprawled on her bed, one knee bent and flat on her back, the bun at the back of her head irritating her, but not enough to act upon. Instead she reached, again, for a piece of ambrosia, the simple movement sending aches throughout her body.

She had been viciously training, beating and getting beat. It helped her focus, the rush of adrenaline clearing her vision even if it was for only a few minutes. It also gave her a sense of reassurance, knowing that she was doing something for the tests, for ensuring her position. The feeling always felt like the waves at sea, washing over her, enveloping her in a embrace of comfort. The sea always consoled and anything that remind her of it followed close.

But it didn't help that Annabeth insisted on proper training. Percy had been spending her days with all her friends, associates, learning different types of weapons and their strategies. She had been training with different people, all masters of their chosen weapons.

Daggers with Piper, learning that getting close was not an advantage. Spears with Jason, leaving with the nastiest bruises. Hammers with Leo, knowing that a strong hit at the wrist was enough to topple the whole fight. Long swords with Hazel, studying strength. Archery with Frank, learning that getting nearer was the ultimate move. And most importantly, strategies with Annabeth.

It was enough to exhaust her to her core. She knew she was a good fighter but she wanted to be prepared, just in case, and her friends were glad to help. Even Thor.

He taught her much. The weapons of the Norse, their methods, their sense of honor. He had initial thought that she might have been overreacting, knowing what a great warrior she was, but once he saw much it soothed her, he too, threw himself in it, quiet but her greatest supporter. 

But it could only last so long. It had been quite a while since she left Asgard and the people were getting restless. Even Thor had no doubt gotten many summons time and again but he never pressured her. It was only after she caught him shooing Tyr away did she seriously force herself to return to reality.

And to her great pleasure, it was when she was completely beat did Annabeth deem her ready to leave. And so she was on her bed, very,  very sore. Now all she had to was get up, get ready, and pack. 


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