To Be a Slytherin

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"Great bravery here, I see," it spoke. "Gryffindor worthy, I see."

You closed your eyes tightly, awaiting it to call out Gryffindor.

"But exceptional loyalty, perhaps Hufflepuff."

Well, perhaps Hufflepuff wouldn't have been bad - but Gryffindor was where you felt your heart belonged.

"Intelligence, I see - and creativity! Ravenclaw qualities peeking through."

Ravenclaw was no bad option, either! But Gryffindor - that was your place.

And finally, the hat announced, to the entire hall: "Slytherin!"

Your heart dropped as your eyes sunk down to your soul. Harry's, Hermione's, Ron's faces all dropped, and, in the corner of your eyes, you could even see Malfoy's face drop with terror.

"No, that's a mistake!" You quickly protested to Professor McGonagall.

"I'm sorry, the Sorting Hat makes no mistakes. The Slytherin table is just over there." She pointed to the table, and, upon turning to it, your eyes met Malfoy's, who was already lowering his eyes at you. A choice you had not, thus you stood and made your way slowly to the Slytherin table, hoping to keep away from everyone as far as possible.

Why had you been placed in Slytherin? If it is the house of cruelty, of evil, then why were you placed in it? You were not an evil person, you never had malicious intentions, so what had you done to be placed in this house of cruelty?

"Welcome to the Slytherins," a boy from the older years said with a smirk as he patted your back toughly. You jolted his arm away from yourself and turned back to the sorting hat to watch the rest of the people getting sorted, refusing to acknowledge this curse. And so quickly, your experience as a wizard had been ultimately ruined.

When taken to your Slytherin common room, you found that it was in the dungeons, which did not sound appealing at all. Not to mention how cold it was down there. On the way, the Slytherins spoke amongst themselves, joked, giggled, chatted, but you walked behind everyone in silence, glaring at everyone.

"This is the Slytherin common room," a boy said, "the password to get in is Pure-Blood. Without it, the door won't open."

"Pure blood?" You said to yourself, only happened to ask it a little too loud, resulting in all the Slytherin faces turning towards you with puzzled expressions. You pursed your lips, looking frustrated.

"It means that both your parents were wizards, idiot." Some girl said from within the crowd and, upon locating her, discovered her to have brown hair and be standing beside Malfoy, who was now sneering. You did not comment on the word, but you memorised the look of her face, the sound of her voice, and promised yourself you'd go back to her when it was time. For now, you merely glared.

You were taken into the common room finally, shown around, and then shown where your beds were and which bed was for who. The greatest part, indeed, was finding out that your bed was next to the girl's who just called you an idiot! Whether that was a blessing or a curse, you were yet to find out. You placed your bags silently beside your bed and, when left, sat on the bed and took your phone out.

"What is that?" A girl from behind asked.

"It's a phone." You said.

"Created by muggles?"


"People who aren't wizards or witches."


"Why is it here then? Probably trash."

"You're probably trash," you scoffed, still looking at your phone.

"Do you want to say that again?" She asked in a threatening voice before making her way before you, grabbing your phone and throwing it onto the floor before stamping her foot on it and ultimately crashing it to bits.

With this, your anger levels peaked as you turned directly from your phone to her with the most devilish look one had seen. Yes, perhaps cruelty was a factor of yourself, but only when provoked, for you weren't a bad person, you were simply a good person with a temper.

"Yeah, I do. You're probably trash. Cry about it." You said, immediately standing up and kicking her shin. Upon screaming from pain and falling onto the floor, you proceeded to kick her once more in the stomach before picking up the remaining bits of your phone. "Don't touch my things ever again you stupid twat." And with this, you took a turn and left the common room with little care. You were hoping to discover the school some more, so you gave yourself some time to walk through the hallways and walk into random rooms, attempting to discover the placement of all the rooms and where everything was to avoid confusion in the future. You gripped your smashed phone in one hand, and your wand in your other hand, not quite knowing how to operate it.

Your time at Hogwarts was essentially hanging out with the Gryffindors and sitting in the Gryffindor common room most of the time. Despite being a Slytherin, they accepted you well into their friendship groups and treated you like one of theirs. You even got along with some of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, yet all the Slytherins proved to be against you. It made you quite sad when there were events with Slytherins only, since you had no friends there, and you chose to argue with every single Slytherin who spoke to you. It was evident that in terms of attitude and approach to life, you were very different to them, for you wore no superiority complex upon yourself.

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