The Rain Dance

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The closer the end of the school year was, the more your heart drained itself of joy. Six weeks with the Dursleys before was torture, but now for six week to be away from Draco - it was far worse. Even simply seeing Draco around was enough to spark your heart of joy; seeing him pass in the hallway made your eyes glisten. Even if he paid no attention to you, even if he walked past with Ana Addington, or Pansy Parkinson, or Millicent Bulstrode, even if his affairs were focused on them and he failed to notice you, your heart lifted itself with joy at the sight of him and your eyes sparkled as though you'd just seen the most ethereal being. The whole affair of jealousy did increase, indeed. It was not in the way you used to be jealous, nonetheless, for it less about physicality and sexual tension, but more about his emotional attachment to other girls. You wished to be important to him - to be different from all the other girls. You did not want to be some girl stuck in the crowd, giving him options to choose from. You wanted to be his one and only. Truth be told, after admitting your feelings to yourself, it was quite relieving, for you were not forced to repress thoughts and daydreams about him in an attempt to convince yourself of a lie. Knowing that you had feelings for this boy ... knowing you potentially were in ... the forbidden L word ... with him, it gave your mind the ability to freely roam its imagination. Daydreams proceeded, sitting in the final lessons of the year, staring ahead with your head leaning on your hand, drawing love hearts in the corner of your notepad, imagining life with Draco Malfoy as your boyfriend.

Sighing, you flopped down onto the sofa, looking ahead of yourself with a smile. It was all here; all so present and beautiful. The house, the furniture - it had been designed to your taste, of course, for Draco had little to none of that. He had the grace and decorum of a reversing dump truck. But the beautiful paintings hung around, suiting the Victorian furniture, with the wooden brown bookshelves filled with piles of exquisite books. Old books, new books, read books, unread books. Yes, it all looked so perfect! It all was here; all so present and beautiful. And yet, in the picture the most important factor was missing.

"I'm home!" A voice called out from behind you.

A warmth thus overcame you. With a growing smile, you rose to your feet from the sofa and, slowly, emerged from the sitting room into the hallway, where your one and only love was taking off his shoes, having returned from work. Turning to you, Draco smiled.

"Did you miss me?" He asked.

"Absolutely not," you rolled your eyes. "I would rather you stayed at work. All this free time!" You exhaled nonchalantly, acting disinterested and turning away from him with a mischievous smile.

"Free time my ass," he exclaimed with a grin, scooping you up from behind, lifting you in a bridal style.

"How was work, Mr Malfoy?" You asked, looking up at him from within his arms.

"Oh, it was rather tiring, Mrs Malfoy," he grinned at you, heading to your bedroom. "But suddenly, I am awake and happy now that I am home and with you."

"Softie," you smiled.

"Not." He shook his head. "I'll show you that I'm no softie."

"Oh, go ahead, Mr Malfoy."

Lowering you on the bed, he towered himself on top of you before smirking. "Oh, I will, Mrs Malfoy."

These daydreams would often proceed. Seeing Draco Malfoy in the hallways after a daydream would make you all flustered, your cheeks sprouting red, and it was almost like the first time you slept with each other - the day after, that is. However, your growing feelings for him thus sparked more and more overthinking: What if I'm annoying him? What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he's tired of me? Due to which you distanced yourself from him, seeing him less, in fears that you would annoy him and thus drive him away.

Everlasting (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora