End of Year Three

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"[F/n], let's go." Ginny ordered, grabbing your wrist and snapping you and Malfoy out of your fantasies. Both you and Malfoy appeared annoyed at the fact that she pulled you away, but you didn't comment until you were at a distance from Malfoy.

"What the hell, Ginny?"

"What the hell me?" Ginny scoffed. "More like what the hell, [F/n]?"


"I saw it. I saw it with my own eyes."

"Saw what?"

"Saw what?" Ginny scoffed again, pulling you away down the hall faster, leading you to the Gryffindor common room. "I was just joking but I never thought it was serious."

"What was serious?"

"Well," she continued talking to herself, "I suppose I wasn't exactly right."

"About what, Ginny!?" You called out, stopping her in her tracks as she faced you in alarm.

"You need to learn to control your desire to fuck Malfoy."

"Excuse you?" You almost choked on your own words as she said it. She, however, shook her head in disapproval and continued walking, dragging you behind her. "Ginny, I have a boyfriend, and plus I quite literally hate Malfoy. He hates me too."

"He wants to fuck you."

"No, he hates me. I hate him too. Do you think we'd argue so much if we didn't hate each other?"

"Well it's been happening all this time so apparently yes."

"You're insane."

"Maybe my in love theory was right, actually."

"Please, can you just listen to me? I don't want to fuck him. I'm deadly serious."

"I won't tell anyone." Ginny said with a wink, and suddenly, her expression shifted from the panicked one she just had, to one of excitement, joy and interest. She began to enjoy this thing; this thing she made up in her head, apparently. That was it. You dropped the conversation immediately, refusing to listen or talk of it any longer for you both had your opinions which ultimately clashed, and thus you decided to move on from the matter. Indeed, however, it sat back in your mind of every conversation and every idea; during every lesson, during every detention, during every argument with Malfoy. What did wanting to fuck someone even mean? You were too young to have these thoughts, but at the same time you were a teenager who was new to such ideas and thus Ginny was right in the statement that you ought to control yourself. Control yourself - but from what? You refused to believe Ginny's accusation, yet you could not quite rid yourself of them. At one point, even, you dreamt of it - you dreamt of Malfoy being angry that you spread the rumour and, in the dream, he dealt with matters in his own ways, which I oughtn't describe just yet. It did, however, end before matters got serious (and fun), and you awoke to the sound of your alarm for breakfast, after which you avoided Malfoy's gaze at breakfast, in lessons, in hallways, and at dinner, and especially when you were in close proximity to each other. He seemed to notice this, and exiting the Great Hall from dinner, he barged into you.

"Avoiding me, Potter?" He said in a sly manner. "Worried?"

"About?" You asked quickly, feeling slightly nervous at the exchange.

"Of what I'll do to sort you out."

"Sort me out?" You repeated, the memoirs of the dream flashing through your eyes as you turned to look at Malfoy, physically feeling everything you had in the dream upon the sight of his face, but quickly snapping out of it and realising that you were surrounded by people, that it was only a dream, and that Malfoy was still the rude cunt you always knew. And also, that he did not have such dreams and therefore did not feel the teenage desires that you did - towards you he didn't, at least.

"But knowing you, you'll go crying to the teachers about anything," he said in a humorous but mocking manner.

"Try me," you said, trying to remain in the threatening mindset, rather than the yes, sort me out, Malfoy mindset, which was certainly not a healthy way of approaching your unhealthy relationship with Malfoy.

The year did not take very long to end. In fact, nothing happened with Malfoy (unfortunately). You believed he was too much of a pussy to do anything, but whether that was the truth, you did not know and did not find out. Upon your leave, you and Cedric refused to part and spent a long time just saying goodbye to each other, hugging, and kissing. Malfoy would scoff whenever he walked past you and Cedric exchanging affection, and you began to feel the need to do it too whenever you caught sight of him and Pansy doing so, but you refrained from being petty. Though, it bothered you the more you saw it, but it was not your business. When saying goodbye to your wizard friends at Platform 9 and 3/4, Ginny whispered in your ear to not fuck Malfoy over the summer, as a joke, but you certainly took it far more personally than you should have. Parting with Hermione and Ron proved far more painful this year than any year before, for what reason that was unknown, but you felt as though this year was a tiring year for you all; becoming third years certainly was a lot of additional work, and especially with discovering Professor Lupin and Sirius Black to have been friends of your father. You did, actually, await Sirius to come back, and he told you he'd come and see you during the holidays, which you were gladly waiting for with Harry.

"[F/n] got a boyfriend," Harry said aloud in the car with Dursleys. You were actually curious of their response, and they remained silent for a while.

"A boyfriend?" Aunt Petunia scoffed after a moment. "One of those wizards, isn't he?"

"Yes. A very handsome one." You added before getting out your phone (a new one), and showing them a photo of you and Cedric. "Very smart too."

"Those wizards are good for nothing, really," Aunt Petunia said.

"You're just bitter because you aren't one." You said with a grin. "And because my boyfriend is hotter than you could ever get for yourself."

"You little-" Aunt Petunia said, twisting in her seat to face you at the back, where you and Harry were snickering amongst yourselves. "Get some manners!"

"It's your fault - you raised me like this!"

"All that magic has gotten into her head, Petunia, calm down!" Uncle Vernon shouted back. "And you," he said, looking into the rear mirror at you, "watch what you said, you little brat."

"Or what? You'll stop me from going to Hogwarts? You know how that worked out last time. You are utterly powerless. Harry and I could kill you if we wanted to."

"[F/n], maybe tone it down," Harry whispered.

"Psycho," Dudley added under his nose.

"I'll show you psycho!" You burst out, raising your fist in the car, at which Harry quickly grabbed you back and held you down and away from Dudley.

"Calm down, [F/n]!"

"We should get her tested for ADHD, Vernon."

"Get yourselves tested for dickhead syndrome!" You called back, trying to fight away Harry's grasp to free yourself.

"[F/n]!" Harry called, trying to hold you away, whilst Dudley stared in fear, whilst Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia yelled and argued from the front, whilst you tried to fight and argue with everyone, and thus you knew this year summer was going to be the best you've ever had. Purely because you no longer cared. Purely because you were coming to be fifteen in a couple of months, and thus you were growing up to become a woman soon, and thus you had the opportunity to express your independence in a larger world. And plus, this summer you awaited both Cedric and Sirius; life really was good now. 

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