Father and Daughter

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"To the what?" You and Harry asked in unison.

"That's right. Order of the Phoenix. We're an army, you see, formed by Dumbledore. An army who once fought against Lord Voldemort, and, since he's come back, have come together again. Previously, we worked with the Ministry to battle against him completely, though this time we've been unable to get them on track as they simply refuse to believe that he's come back. So, we're working alone instead."

"Wait, that's amazing," you whispered. "And who is involved?"

"Quite a few people, who you'll know."

"Such as?"

"Professor Snape, for example."

"Really? No way!" You beamed. "Any students?"

"Not quite just yet, though I'm sure that, with time, your friends could join very gladly. But they're still very young, and are to prepare for their OWLs, so please don't quite go ahead and tell them all about it, just yet."

"This is insane!" You smiled.

"Dumbledore's always a step ahead of us, huh?" Harry whispered in disbelief. "And what is this place?"

"Sirius grew up here," Lupin said.

"Holy shit, really?" You turned to Sirius. He nodded proudly. "So, our father visited here?"

"Oh yeah, and your mother later on too. Their footsteps are marked in this very place."

You and Harry turned to each other and faintly smiled.

"Harry's definitely gotten more of Lily, but [F/n]'s definitely gotten more of James, hasn't she?" Lupin said to Sirius with a grin.

"No doubt," Sirius laughed. "As much of a troublemaker as he was."

"If not more," Lupin added.

"Can't help being so cool," you exaggeratedly brushed your hair back with a smug grin of pride.

"Come on, now, you said you have two days off, let me show you to your rooms."

"We get rooms?"

"Of course!" Sirius beamed, leading you upstairs. The room presented to you specifically was of a decent size, and with quite a large bed. It was all slightly run-down, but it truly made you feel more homely than you'd ever expected. Harry got to his room first, and then, when Sirius led you to yours, he stood at the door for a moment longer with a faint smile. "This was your father's room."

"He was funny, right?"

"Funny? Hilarious, [F/n]. He was hilarious."

"Good. Can't have my dad being unfunny."

Sirius laughed. "Here, look at this," Sirius walked over to one of the walls and pointed to a faint piece of writing upon it. Upon it said as follows: 'Sirius and Remus suck. I'm cooler.'

"Guess who wrote it," Sirius looked at you.

"If it ain't my dad, I'm going to be very disappointed."

"It very much is your dad," Sirius laughed. "And it just made me think that you should get this room, since you quite literally called yourself cool downstairs, which is something that James did quite often. Take good care of the room, and don't snoop around it too much - you might find stuff from easier days." Sirius flashed you a wink with a grin, and then left the bedroom.

Slowly, you began to make your way around the room, looking back and forth, examining its details closely, hoping to find signs of usage from the former days of your father when he was yet alive. You were, however, taken by surprise when a small creature walked into the room and began to tidy it, out of the blue, not yet noticing you as you stood on the opposite end. The creature looked similar to Dobby, though a little angrier, and he looked more frustrated than Dobby ever had. His eyes were also far smaller, and his nose vastly bigger, but was just as wrinkly as poor old Dobby.

"Hello," you said, grinning, and the poor creature jumped, startled, and turned around to you.

"And who are you!?" The creature cried out, stepping back with a glare.

"I am [F/n] Potter."

"Potter," he whispered.

"What's your name?"

He paused. "Kreacher."

"Nice name. I met one of you before. Dobby - you know him?"

"Dobby," Kreacher whispered, "Kreacher knows Dobby."

"What's up with my man Dobby these days, then?"

"Dobby," Kreacher turned away, "his master is cruel to him very much, still."

"His master?"

"Dobby is a house-elf. Kreacher is a house-elf."

"I didn't know this. Who is cruel to Dobby? I will kill them."

"[F/n] Potter kill Dobby's masters?" Kreacher seemed amused, but quickly turned and shook his head. "The Malfoy family is a cruel family."

"What?" You paused. "Malfoys? They own Dobby?"

Kreacher looked up at you slowly, then turned away without a word and continued tidying. Staring at Kreacher, you doubted his words for a moment. Though, considering the 'cruel to him', it was very possible for the Malfoys to own the poor elf. With furrowed brows, you bit your lip.

"They are cruel to him, how?"

"Kreacher doesn't know. But Kreacher knows that Dobby does not like it there very much." And with this, Kreacher left the room, leaving you by yourself, considering of the possibilities. Dobby was trapped with the Malfoys - was there any possibility of freeing him from that establishment? Wishing to stop Kreacher to ask him, you stepped outside the bedroom, but found that the poor elf had gone off into his own pathway, further into the house, which you did not choose to explore for now. So, you stepped back into your room.

At Sirius', you had the opportunity to take a shower that night, and you slept peacefully, though with constant thoughts of Dobby, and, soon enough, intrusive thoughts of that twat Malfoy. The next day, with a day off, you, Sirius and Harry spent the entire day enjoying your time in London - going to shops, restaurants, parks. For the humour, you even got yourselves Santander bikes and rode around London on the bikes before giving them back. The day was spent humorously, enjoyably, and lovingly, and you'd never felt more satisfied. Going to sleep, you felt greatly satisfied with the day, your mind completely distracted from stressful thoughts of OWLs, of Voldemort, and most of all, of Malfoy. When lying in bed on the last night, he proceeded to invade your mind again. However, you were lucky enough to fall asleep soon enough. However, that very night, you had perhaps the most disturbing dream that you'd had up until now. In that very dream, you were not quite yourself. Rather, as you slithered through the glistening floor of the Ministry of Magic and turned upon the reflection of the walls, you discovered yourself to be a large, fat snake. The snake was of a green colour, and continued its way along the Ministry, slowly yet ever so eerily. Eventually, you - or the snake, rather - slowly slid into a room filled with many, many orbs. Prophecy orbs? Within your sight was Mr Weasley, Ron's father, standing in the middle of a large aisle, surrounded by shelves of crystal balls. However, upon your entrance, Mr Weasley turned around and faced you, great horror encompassing his face. Bash! You'd attacked him, and he fell onto the ground. Another hit - or bite - and he was screaming. Another one - blood! Another one - more blood! And soon enough, blood began to spill. Mr Weasley, covered and bathing in his own blood, had, in your dream, been rid of his own life.

Shooting up, you felt yourself sweating as typical. Your heart rate was increased, and you were breathing heavily. Looking at the window, you discovered that it was, indeed, morning - or day - and, getting out of your bed as quickly as possible, still in your pyjamas, you charged downstairs to inform Sirius of your dream. You knew you had a special ability when it came to dreams - a special connection; to share a dream with Malfoy, for example. However, upon dashing into the dining room from which you heard voices, you discovered a large group of people - the very same people who were there the day you arrived - and some more on top of that. Included now was Alastor Moody, and, at the head of the table sat none other than Dumbledore. He smiled to see you initially, however seeing the horror upon your face, he frowned.

"What is it, [F/n]?"

"Mr Weasley!"

Everlasting (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora