All Diggory

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Over the next couple of weeks, you had detention everyday with, of course, Draco Malfoy. The two of you would be assigned random things, such as cleaning certain rooms, or sorting books in the library, or cleaning classrooms, or putting away equipment. Overall, there was strong bonding necessary to not chop each other's heads off, which came easily to you and Malfoy. During one of your detentions, it was time to clean away equipment after a potions lessons, after which Malfoy continuously muttered under his nose comments about your friends and how the Gryffindors are massive suck ups, after which you burst out and threw a glass bottle at him. He'd only just ducked in time for it to smash against the wall behind him, but had he not, that would have been the last thing you'd done at Hogwarts. The two of you stared at each other in shock after it happened, and he began to continue his 'I'm going to tell my father about this', and then him merely mocking you for having a short temper and anger issues and how you were to be put in an asylum. Yes, strong bonding was necessary, but it just did not happen. If anything, your relationship with Malfoy worsened, as a sly comment here or there provoked the other into worsening the situation and making matters between the two of you deteriorate. A positive of this entire situation was that Pansy and her friends did not bother you openly anymore, just glared and scowled, but you were willing to let that pass. After the period of detention came around Christmas quickly, and especially during the snow days, you and Cedric went to Hogsmeade often and played in the snow. Your green scarf meshed often with his yellow one, as the two of you constantly remained close, cuddling and hugging and unable to keep your hands off each other. It was all so innocent. You'd often caught Malfoy staring at you during your moments with Cedric, and he'd always lower his eyes at you whenever your eyes met, and you began to consider the possibility that the boy was simply bipolar, for he was capable of forming a decent conversation one moment, then wished death upon you the next. Well, you were no better, really. Cedric had invited you over to his house for Christmas, but you were forced to refuse as you'd informed him that you'd already been invited to Ron's house for Christmas day, and Cedric, though sad to hear it, was glad to know that you had someplace to go.

When parting for Christmas, the longest goodbye was Cedric's. All the students were standing at the platform of King's Cross, welcoming their parents, whilst Mrs Weasley and Mr Weasley awaited you, Harry and Ron. Yet, Harry and Ron had gone already, but you remained standing by the train, looking up at Cedric with longing and saddened eyes, as he looked down at you with gentle and soft ones, a gaze of care and a gentle smile upon his lips signifying his joy.

"I'm going to miss you," Cedric smiled, "but I hope you have a great Christmas."

"I'm going to miss you too, man," you huffed, feeling ultimately upset at the parting. "Maybe I should've gone with you."

Cedric smiled wider. "You're always free to come."

"It's late now." You frowned. "And it'd be rude. But next Christmas, if the offer is still up."

"The offer will always be up for you," he smiled even wider, allowing his teeth to show.

"Alright, Ced, stop flirting with minors," one of his friends walked past, smirking at him and nudging him by his elbow, at which Cedric scoffed and rolled his eyes, but still had a gentle smile upon his lips.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"Oh no, I've gotten quite used to it," you smiled anyway. His friends had made such comments often throughout the year, and you'd learned to appreciate them in their least-funny nature.

"They're waiting for you," Cedric said, looking behind you, then back at you. "You should go."

"Write letters?" You offered.

"Without a second thought," he smiled, embracing you in his arms and squeezing tightly which you gladly reciprocated, not wanting to let go. But the time to part came around soon, and you went to Mr and Mrs Weasley, greeting them with hugs, and as you went away, constantly turning back around to Cedric and waving at him until the two of you could no longer see each other.

"A boyfriend!?" Mrs Weasley quickly asked as you got into the car.

"They say they're not," Ron quickly added, "but it's quite obvious they want to date each other."

"I wasn't asking you!" Mrs Weasley scolded Ron, gently hitting him on the head with a newspaper. "[F/n], dear, do you like him? He seems like a lovely boy, and very handsome!"

You smiled awkwardly. "I don't know."

"Well, you have my approval!" She winked at you with a smile.

"Thank you. Cedric is so caring. And kind. And sweet. And pure. I just want to be with him, like, twenty four seven." You huffed, leaning your head against the window of the car and looked out. "He makes me so happy."

"And she still has the audacity to say she doesn't get feelings for boys," Harry commented with a mocking tone.

"Who asked you?" You quickly snapped back.

"I asked myself."

"No fighting!" Mr Weasley said, taking a peek at you and Harry in the book through the rear mirror. "First of all, [F/n], you have to make sure he's not just after one thing."

"Oh, Mr Weasley," you groaned, "no, no! I'm too young to even be thinking of that."

"He's not. He could very well be thinking of it! You can never be too careful."

"I assure you, if he tried, I would simply break his jaw."

"Oh, did you hear!?" Ron quickly leaned forward to the front part of the car to his parents, "[F/n] almost got kicked out of Hogwarts because she broke a girl's jaw."

"[F/n] Potter!" Mrs Weasley called out.

"No - no! Hear me out!" You quickly protested. "They literally woke me up with cold water for the second time! They stole all my clothes and made me run throughout the whole of Hogwarts like that! And they would always comment on my appearance! They're horrible girls, and they always bully others. So, I just took matters in my own hands."

"But breaking someone's jaw!"

"I didn't intend to. I just punched her."

"So much anger for someone so small," Harry sneered. "But in all fairness, they did deserve it. And at least it sorted them out. They had detention for a long time and have stopped pestering [F/n] and everyone."

"Well, I don't believe violence is the solution, but I won't scold you for sticking up for yourself and your friends," Mrs Weasley said, flashing you a smile. "Now, [F/n], I want to hear more about this boy. What's his name?"

"Cedric," you smiled, "Cedric Diggory."


"Two years."

"Of course, of course! Now - I want to know, what's he like?" 

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