Unbearable Tension

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"Oh, yeah, Draco mentioned you like to read."

"Draco said that?" You paused your walk, looking at Blaise.

"And a lot more."

"A lot more?" You cleared your throat, speeding up your pace, knowing that Draco was just steps behind and wishing to avoid his gaze at all costs. Moreover, you certainly did not want him to hear the conversation.

"He says you're really good at this muggle game called," he paused, thinking over it, "feet-ball?"


"That's the one!"

You smiled at the sound of this. It was pleasant to hear someone speak so well of you and your hobbies. And, it proved even more worthy if it came from a boy who struggled with kindness.

"Your favourite colour is [f/c]."

"It is," your smile grew.

"Your favourite kind of music is [f/m]."


"Uh, what else can I remember. Sorry, I don't always listen to him. Sometimes he goes on about certain people," Blaise gestured towards you, "for way too long, and I stop listening. Oh, he also says you have quite a sweet tooth."

"I guess I do," you nodded. "I never knew he remembered any of the stuff I mentioned throughout the years."

"He's clearly picked up on it."

"Oh well," you quickly shrugged. "Doesn't matter if he has or hasn't."

Blaise, having believed he was getting somewhere as Cupid, frowned and groaned at this, and shook his head.

"The two of you!" He cried out. "I'm dipping." And thus, he left both you and Draco.

Wishing to know whether Malfoy was still walking behind you, or whether he'd also taken his own route, you slowly turned around and faced him, catching him watching you. Not knowing whether you ought to smile, or look away with a glare, you stared for a moment longer pondering. He, noticing how you stared at him, furrowed his brows in his typical Malfoy manner and said, "what're you staring at?"


"Don't give me your usual attitude."

"I'll give you what I want."

"And leave," he paused, "my girlfriend alone. All you do is annoy her."

For a moment, you paused, processing what Malfoy had just said to you. Had he really gone out of his way to attack you for the manner in which you approached his girlfriend? And, the first thing that popped into your head as a response was 'who the fuck do you think you are?', watching him with his smug face, which suddenly looked ever so punchable.

"All I do is annoy her? Tell her to keep her remarks to herself then."

"She wouldn't make them if you weren't in the way."

"In the way!?" You burst out, your anger slowly unleashing. Draco, too, followed on with hints of inexcusable anger as he looked down at you with a clenched jaw. "You're getting way too bold for yourself."

"Bold for myself, am I?" He scoffed. "It's not me with anger issues, is it?"

"I don't have anger issues."

"Take them on after your dead parents," he whispered in a cruel tone as his face got close to you. Instinctively, your hand resonated against his cheek, sending his face to the side, similarly to the way you'd slapped him before. Only this time it was harsher, and more painful for the both of you. He quickly gritted his teeth, tensed his jaw in pain, and took a hold of his cheek, brushing it gently, before turning to you with anger piercing his eyes.

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