Lucius Malfoy

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"What does this mean for us?" Hermione asked as the four of you sat in Ron's bedroom in a circle, all essentially worried.

"It means we're going to have to buckle up and prepare the fuck to fight."

"[F/n], do you know who he is?" Ron asked.

"Well, not exactly."

"Exactly. You don't know the horrible stories I've heard about him. How many he killed, how he ruined the entire wizarding world. [F/n], he is seen as the Antichrist of the wizarding world. The darkest and most evil wizard in the world. We could never fight him."

"Well, we'll see about that. He killed my parents."

"If anyone's going to kill him, it's going to be us." Harry said.

"You guys don't know what you're saying!" Ron huffed.

"Well, if you guys are going to fight him," Hermione sighed, "guess I'll fight him too."

"You too!?" Ron frowned. The three of you watched Ron, waiting for his decision, when he finally rolled his eyes, sighed, and said, "yeah, fine, I'll fight him too."

"Glad that's settled. No matter what happens - we'll get through this. He's come back for us, I bet. Harry and I are his unfinished business, and I'm assuming he'll do everything he can to finish the business. But we'll be ready."

That night, when the other three had gone to sleep, you proceeded to stay up, in your sleeping bag on the floor, writing in your diary with your wand gently lighting up the pages. The truth was, you were terrified - for something so big to be coming. But at the same time, you had never been more excited. This is exactly what you'd yearned for your entire life - excitement, thrill, situations in which you were close to death! You were made for this - you were made to be a wizard, to fight someone as great as this Voldemort. Whoever he was, you knew this was your time to be alive, and you were going to pursue this matter, no matter how crazy it sounded.

The next day you found yourself back at Diagon Alley in a bookstore, for Mrs Weasley informed you that one of her favourite authors was going to be there, signing books. You were not very much interested, so you chose to wander around the bookstore instead to find perhaps some interesting books, whilst a huge crowd gathered a blonde man with curtains. You disregarded the matter and inspected piles of books, analysing ones which found interesting and moving on from ones that not so much. That was the case until you looked up at a flight of stairs and discovered the usual bleached blonde boy, usual slick back hair, this time slightly taller and more grown-up looking Draco Malfoy standing with a frown at the situation. In fact, he was looking at you now with a frown. Instinctively, you lifted up your middle finger up at him. He furrowed his brows even more and began making his way down the stairs to you, supposedly to start an argument, but you had to admit, seeing his face made you happy to an extent as it meant one thing: you were finally returning home to Hogwarts.

"Of course, Potter enters the shop once and makes it to the front covers already," Malfoy said with a scoff. You didn't know what he was talking about, until you turned around and noticed Harry, Hermione and Ron were finally done. Mr and Mrs Weasley were also ready to leave, when Malfoy blocked everyone's entrance.

"Leave off, Malfoy," Hermione said.

"No one asked you, you filthy-"

"Now, Draco," a much deeper, more refined voice said from behind Draco as a cane with the head of a snake appeared before you, upon Draco's shoulder, moving him away to the side. Draco's expression shifted immediately from powerful to ultimately inferior and, you thought, slightly fearful, intriguing you. Turning from Draco, you looked at the man before you now, who had white hair that was far longer than yours, and he looked far more refined and formal than anyone you'd ever seen. Yet, the sinister look upon his face sold to you his evil qualities. "If it isn't Mr and Miss Potter," the man said, looking at you and Harry. "And what's that, I see? Miss Potter ended up in Slytherin. Interesting."

"Not very interesting." You said with a poker face, yet a hint of fury as you looked upon him with lowered eyes.

"Of course it is. A Potter in Slytherin," he sneered, "who would've thought?"

"It's not that deep, Mr Malfoy." You said with a smirk, taking control of the situation, which caused mini Malfoy's eyebrow to raise itself in curiosity, whilst his father's eyes shift to a glare. "Now if you'll excuse us." You gestured for your friends to go past, and you waited behind one final time, for you had one final thing to say, but did not wish for your friends to hear. Turning to Mr Malfoy, you looked him up and down, then turned to mini Malfoy and, with a mocking smirk, said, "see you back at school, Malfoy."

When the time came, you sat in a compartment with Hermione, Ron and Harry in the Hogwarts Express, all in your robes, ready for the second year. Yet again, a singular green robe amongst three red ones.

"I still haven't made peace with the fact that I got placed in Slytherin."

"Even after a year?" Ron laughed.

"Well, it is odd," Hermione agreed, "Slytherins are evil, but you're not evil."

"Speak for yourself," the voice you knew so well said from the doorway to your compartment. Ah, yes, the boy who grew but still slicked his hair back for God knows what reason. "I'm not evil. I'm just better than you," Malfoy laughed.

"You're just a skank. Fuck off." You said, standing up to close the door, but Malfoy standing in the way, holding onto the door, blocking it and refusing to let go with a mocking smirk on his face.

"What's wrong, Potter? Too weak?"

Well, it was certain that Malfoy had grown stronger over the summer, since you truly were struggling to close the door.

"Just go away, Malfoy! No one wants you here!" Hermione shouted.

"Oh, getting on someone's nerves, am I?"

"Just ignore him, he just wants your reaction," Ron said.

"And who asked you, Weasley?"

"I asked him," you said. "Now jog on to your muppets, Malfoy. I'm sure they can't wait to lick your asshole."

Malfoy scoffed, bored of the situation, and walked away, ready to pester some more people. You immediately closed the door and sat back down, ultimately frustrated with the situation. Having Malfoy pester you was not the highlight of your day, no matter how much it reminded you of home.

"Does he infuriate anyone else, or am I overreacting?" You asked, pressing your head against the window.

"You're not overreacting. It's his face." 

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