The Meeting

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The week came to a close. You didn't get much time to spend with Draco over the remaining days, due to his constant friends pestering him about going Hogsmeade, or studying, or going to bully someone. You also became busy with studying, since you had a lot of DADA to teach yourself, as well as constant thoughts of Voldemort, which often trailed back to thoughts of your parents. When not doing these things, you were with your friends. And, if not that, you did actual Quidditch practice. Only if you passed each other in hallways, you would try with all your might to avoid his gaze, but he would continue to stare and watch you until you looked back, just so he could flash you a wink or run his tongue along his lips, sometimes accompanied by a wink.

Only when Saturday came, you knew it was your time to head to Grimmauld Place. You had gotten the heads up to use faster means of arrival, using Floo Powder, which undeniably made your life a whole lot easier with less time wasted on flying. You and your friends arrived at Grimmauld Place soon enough, and by the time you arrived, the long dining table was already filled with people, including Mad-Eyed Moody, Dumbledore, Snape, Sirius, Lupin, McGonagall and some faces which you did not yet recognise so very well, only vaguely remembered from the previous time you arrived.

"Ah, you're all here! Take a seat!" Sirius gestured towards the empty chairs at the long table. You, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Fred and George all proceeded to take their seats. You and Harry proved to be determined, Hermione stoic, Ron nervous, Ginny excited, Luna stoic, Neville terrified, Fred and George absolutely loving it. "Glad you could all make it, and I'm glad you managed to convince so many friends. The more, the better. Anyway, as we were saying - these students have no experience! Four years of Defence Against Dark Arts is not sufficient enough to keep them away from Voldemort! So many spells are being missed out on."

"Miss and Mr Potter tried to convince Fudge," Snape said, slowly.

"Of course they did!" Sirius whined. "But that corrupt freak won't listen!"

"There is absolutely no way we can teach these kids alone," McGonagall said, "they need a sufficient teacher, or their ability to protect themselves will fail. As much as I'd want to take it on, I cannot handle all of that with my actual lessons. Someone else will have to help teach them."

"I can." You said.

The whole table turned to you, irked eyebrows, confused.

"[F/n], you don't know the spells yourself," Snape said.

"Yes, but, I'm a fast learner. I can simply read it from a textbook and learn it within a couple of minutes, hours max. I can then teach the rest. I have got the time. I'm not a teacher, so I'm not having to balance that with it."

"You have your own studies to keep on top of, Miss Potter," McGonagall said.

"But I'm getting good grades! I don't even do that much work ... so it's not like I'd be missing out on much. I'm fine with Quidditch, I practice every now and then and one session a week is enough for me. And then my social life - by teaching my friends, it'd be like a social life, so the two go hand in hand. I don't mind taking this on. You'd just have to provide me with textbooks from which I could initially learn and pass it onto the others."

Everyone at the table looked back and forth at each other, analysing the situation. Your argument with convincing and, at least, this way there was at least some protection for the students.

"But you can't teach everyone, [F/n]," Lupin said.

"Then," you paused, "I'll teach those who I know stand a chance. I know it sounds cruel, but it's the only way we'll get somewhere. Like, look at these students here - they're here because they're determined. They would be worth teaching, because I know they'd make good use of it. I can find some more people who I know would be just as determined, for example Seamus and Dean."

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