Slytherins Suck

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A broken arm and a bashed head, but you refused to sit and wait all days long. Madame Pomfrey, though skeptical, issued your release to allow you to continue your life at Hogwarts and attend lessons. On a rainy Tuesday in the evening, you sat in the Gryffindor common room, your whole Slytherin uniform on, including the robes, with your broken arm against your chest being held up by a sling. Your friends, mostly Gryffindors, all signed the cast on your arm, and those who'd never experienced life outside of the wizard world were confused at the reasoning behind this cast thing around your arm. You sat before the fire place with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville and Ron's two twin brothers, as you explained to them fully what had happened at the flying lesson and how Malfoy came about pushing you.

"So, that's how it happened," you finished.

"He better get punished for it," Fred scoffed. 

"If not," George added, "we'll make him pay for it."

"Justice for [F/n]," Fred laughed.

"Don't do anything stupid," you sighed. "It's so unfair how I got placed in Slytherin. I could have been here with all of you, but no, that stupid sorting hat. I bet it's wrong."

"The sorting hat is never wrong," Fred added.

"If I'd never fallen off that broom, this would've never happened to you, [F/n]," Neville frowned.

"Don't say that. It's a good thing it happened. I found it quite funny, actually."

"You broke your arm and cracked your head open."

"That's Malfoy's fault, not yours."

"I suppose so."

"And [F/n]'s for even going when we warned her not to." Hermione added.

"Well, that's true too," you grinned.

The following evening, when you'd returned to the dungeons to the Slytherin common room, in there awaited you Malfoy with his minions and the girl who called you an idiot just a couple of days ago: you found out her to be called Pansy, and from day one she'd been sucking up to Malfoy in every aspect she could.

"So you grassed on me, Potter?" Malfoy got up from the sofa as soon as you entered and made his way to you with an angry frown.

"Grassed on you? I told the truth. You broke my arm and cracked my head open."

"I didn't do that. It's not my fault you have shit balance."

"Shit balance? You knocked me off. Leave me alone, dickhead." You thus attempted to turn away and walk into the girl's dorm room, yet failed miserably as Malfoy stepped directly in front of you, your body colliding with his.

"What'd you call me?"

"A dickhead."

"Say it again, go on, if you're so brave."

"A D-I-C-K-H-E-A-D."

With this, he immediately pushed you. An attempt to save yourself would have been hard with one arm available, and, not quite believing that he'd done this, you lost balance and fell onto the ground completely, quickly holding yourself up with the one arm you had available.

"That was just unnecessary," you huffed, rolling your eyes. You stood up once more, facing Malfoy, him looking down at you with his mocking smirk and furrowed brows, the two of you face-to-face with a stare-off. "You're a bit of a bitch, you know?"

"You're a bit brave. Do you know who my father is?"

"A twat as dumb as you, I suppose?" This time, you'd predicted his strike, and just before he could push you yet again, you dodged as fast as possible, moving backwards, and, unable to fight as well as you wished since your body was not quite available for it, you legged it as fast as possible out of the Slytherin common room, hearing only a final series of yells from Malfoy and his friends calling you a wimp. To return to the Slytherin common room was to wish for death, and thus you merely sighed and headed back to the Gryffindor common room, and the girl's dorm, where Hermione welcomed you into her bed, the two of you sharing it and giggling, despite the tight space.

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