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You awoke sometime later, and you found yourself in the infirmary. Looking around, you gently lifted yourself up and found Madame Pomfrey standing beside you, measuring your temperature and checking your forehead. It was now light outside, as the windows sold, and you realised you must have passed out from the pain.

"Good, you're awake," Madame Pomfrey said. "You lost consciousness."

"I assumed so," you gently sat up.

"Here, soup," she said, lifting up a warm bowl of soup. "Drink it, you will feel better."

"When was I found?" You asked as Madame Pomfrey was leaving.

"You weren't found, my dear. You were brought."

"Brought? By who?"

Madame Pomfrey thus gestured her head towards the other side of the bed, and, turning your head, you found Malfoy asleep in a chair, his head drooped low in a slouched sitting position. Madame Pomfrey did not say anything else, but left it up to you to deduce. You turned your head towards the clock and discovered that it was coming up to seven in the morning. Meanwhile, on the bed beside you, you found your one and only brother also lying asleep, in the same condition as you. Turning back to the left, you stared for a moment at Malfoy, in his state of slumber, and you cleared your throat to avoid your mind wandering. Instead, you drank a little bit of your soup, then lied back down. Around fifteen minutes later, Malfoy had naturally awoken and sat up in his chair, looking around confused with his eyes gently puffy from the sleep.

"Oh," he acknowledged as he caught sight of you. "You're awake."

"You're awake," you repeated. "Why were you sleeping in the chair?"

He cleared his throat, unwilling to answer. The silence of you awaiting an answer was too threatening to him, however, and so he replied: "I wanted to wait till you woke up to make sure you're fine."

"Draco Malfoy being caring? Who would've thought," you smiled gently. "Soup?" You asked, lifting up the leftover soup you had left. He looked at you as though you were insane, a face of disgust, but after a moment shrugged carelessly and stretched out his hand to take the soup from you. You gave it to him, and he proceeded to drink it. "By the way, I've drank out of it."

"That's disgusting," he said, looking at you as he continued to drink it without a care.

"Well, I'm fine, so after you've finished your soup, you can go."

"I had to fight to stay in here and you're kicking me out?" He scoffed.


"Not literally, but she kept telling me to leave, but I refused. Almost got detention."

"I'm not kicking you out."

"It sounds like you are."

With this, the doors to the infirmary swung open and in walked Cedric in his uniform as he rushed over to your bed. You only heard a scoff and an exasperated sigh on Malfoy's behalf, but your attention was now on Cedric so you didn't comment.

"Are you alright? I heard you passed out last night. Ron told me. And Harry too?"

"Voldemort is near. Our scars weren't being the kindest."

Cedric quickly lowered himself as he pressed his lips against your forehead, causing Malfoy to gently and quietly scoff, which you heard very well anyway.

"Why's he here?" Cedric asked, looking at Malfoy.

"I brought your dumb girlfriend when she passed out."

"How did you even find her? Ron says it happened at like one at night."

"I-" Malfoy began, but was interrupted by you.

"I passed out in the common room, and he was leaving the girls' dorm room from being with Pansy, so he ended up seeing me on the floor."

Cedric did not buy this entirely, and looked slightly disappointed at your words, but he inquired no further and sighed before taking a seat next to you on the bed. With this, Malfoy immediately took his leave without saying another word to you, causing you to watch him leave with a slight desolate expression upon your face, feeling bad for leaving him in such a manner. You mentioned no more of this, anyhow, and cuddled up to Cedric, who excused himself from lessons for the rest of the day to spend time with you. After lessons, Hermione and Ron joined you and Harry and they brought you food from the Great Hall - random snacks such as chocolate or biscuits. By the evening, you were instructed to stay one more night at the infirmary to ensure your ultimate safety from the pain of the scars, for this was a matter beyond anyone's control. McGonagall and Dumbledore had come to see you during the day to ensure you and Harry were dealing with matters well. But, by around seven, Madame Pomfrey grew frustrated as all the chairs in the infirmary were taken, placed by yours and Harry's beds as Ron, Hermione, Cedric, Fred, George, Ginny and Neville had all taken a seat beside you and Harry. You all sat and discussed random matters, laughed at everything, and proceeded to talk about the teachers.

"Anyway, Fred and I are planning to make a potion to age us so that we can put our names in the Goblet of Fire."

"You think you can get past Dumbledore's spells?" Hermione laughed.

"Worth a shot," George laughed.

"Do you think [F/n] and Harry will be allowed back into lessons tomorrow?" Ginny asked.

"I hope so, I can't stand being here all day," you huffed, "Cedric has been the only one keeping me alive," you said with a smile, gentling leaning your head on Cedric's shoulder as the two of you held hands.

"If Ron brought Harry, though," Ginny began, "who brought [F/n]? None of us are in Slytherin."

You cleared your throat.

"That's a good question," Fred said, turning to you.

"Malfoy." You quickly said, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Malfoy?" Ginny asked. "Not the Malfoy that we all know?"

"Him." Cedric answered. "I was surprised too."

Everyone thus engaged in their own conversations, whilst you dozed off into your own world in which you remembered the stars and the feeling of Malfoy lying down beside you, the two of you in an awkward yet comforting silence. There was something unusual and natural about the silence that encompassed the two of you, and you melted into it once more in your head. You never knew how much you appreciated the moment now that it was long gone, and you felt more desolate and lonely, surrounded by all your closest friends, than when you were lying in the cold, under an empty sky, beside Malfoy, whose annoying presence was enough to make you feel welcome.

"[F/n]," Ginny said, snapping you out of your thoughts, as everyone stared at you in silence, waiting for your response.


"We were asking about the Yule Ball. Do you know what dress you'll wear?"

"Oh, no," you said quickly, "I've no clue yet."

"Are you alright?"

"Yes," you said, and everyone resumed into a chatter, except for Ginny, who continued to look over at you worriedly. 

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