Carried Out

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Sitting around the Goblet, the Weasley twins did indeed try their stunt, only for the Goblet to spit their names back out and throw them out of the pit, causing them to grow large, grey beards and start to beat each other up.

"Has he invited you yet?" You asked Hermione, the two of you sitting at the side as Harry and Ron busied themselves by laughing at the twins.

"No, he hasn't," she huffed.

"Who's inviting her?" Ron turned to you and Hermione, throwing himself into the conversation.

"No one," she quickly said.

"He's older than us, you won't know him."

"Huh," Ron scoffed. "Yeah, it'll be interesting to see if he does invite her then," Ron rolled his eyes.

"What's gotten into you?" Hermione asked, angry. You watched, trying to hold back the desire to say 'and I oop', as the two began to quarrel.

"Nothing? It's clearly you who needs to calm down. Come on, Harry," Ron nudged Harry, and the two proceeded to leave the hall.

"Someone's a bit mad," you grinned. "If only he knew we were talking about him."

"Don't tell him, [F/n]."

"Of course I won't. I love Ron, but my loyalty lies with you."

"Good, as mine does with you," she smiled at you. "How have you and Cedric been then? We haven't had much time to catch up recently, with Cedric around constantly and all."

"Yeah, we're doing really well. Passed six months."

"Yeah, I realised! You're quite serious about each other then, huh?"

"I guess we are," you smiled sheepishly. At this, Cedric entered the room, flashed you a look, smiled, but did not sit with you, but headed to his Hufflepuff friends. You did not mind; you needed time away from each other occasionally, and you missed speaking to Hermione personally.

"Will you be going together to the Yule Ball then?"

"Yes, he invited me last year already," you grinned.

"That's so cute! I'm so happy!"

Hermione's happiness for you and her undeniable smile made you immediately feel like the worst human ever for all those years you'd lied to her; from the second year when your first encounter with Malfoy happened. You opened your mouth, debating whether to tell her; she deserved to know. Yes, she was going to be mad, but that wasn't going to be the end of the world - it was going to pass, you knew that. However, you decided that right now wasn't the best place and time, and so you said gently: "I have something to tell you later."

"Did you lose your virginity?"

"What? No! Are you insane?"

She smiled. Then, in a dramatic manner, the doors to the hall opened and through them walked Viktor Krum, Karkaroff, and some more Durmstrang students, as Krum led them through, walking as though they owned the place. The place fell silent, all eyes on Krum, as he lifted his hand and threw his name into the Goblet, turning sideways towards Hermione and watching her as he did so.

"He's got the hots for you," you whispered over to Hermione as he still stared at her. It was obvious you were talking about him, so, instinctively, Hermione pushed you away, causing you to fall off your bench and erupt in a burst of laughter.

"Oh my God!" She cried out. "I'm so sorry! I didn't intend for it to be so hard!" She giggled, quickly lowering herself to the floor on which you were lying as she offered you help. You struggled to breathe from laughter, and therefore could not lift yourself up.

"Please don't kill my girlfriend," Cedric called out, laughing. All his friends beside him were also laughing, and now the attention of the hall was no longer on Krum, but you and Hermione.

"I'm so sorry!" She laughed, sitting on the floor beside you, initially attempting to help you up but now also in a fit of laughter which prevented her from getting up herself. "That's so embarrassing!"

"Embarrassing!" You cried out in laughter. "For who? Bitch, I'm the one that fell!"

By the time you'd calmed down, you and Hermione continued to sit on the floor and talk, when finally the time came and none other than your boyfriend got up.

"Hey, [F/n]," he said, looking at you with a smirk as he stood before the age line, "wish me luck."

"Oh, my baby girl," you grinned, getting up and walking over to him. "I wish you all the luck," you said, pulling him down and kissing his lips. When you wished to part, he refused to and held onto your lower back, holding you closer as he kissed you harder with a smirk upon his lips, purposely trying to show off in front of his friends as any boy would. Almost the entire hall did their typical 'ooooh', and Cedric flashed his friends one smirk of success when he parted from you. Standing before the age line, you watched him as he entered and threw his name in, and the entire hall clapped and cheered. Coming out, he grinned before throwing his arms around you and lifting you up as he threw you over his shoulder.

"Cedric!" You cried out. "What are you doing?"

"Now, excuse me, my friends," he laughed gently as he thus exited the room and made his way to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Where do we go?" You asked, stopping your fight and letting him carry you.

"To the Hufflepuff common room."

"And what shall we do there?" You asked suggestively.

"Well I guess we'll have to see."

Walking a little longer, you rested on his shoulder as you were thrown over it, when you suddenly heard the scoff you'd always hear and, turning to the side, you discovered Malfoy to be leaning on one of the hallway windows with Pansy and Crabbe standing beside him. They all proceeded to glare at you, Pansy the most, and as Cedric passed them, they were directly in your view as you were facing Cedric's behind. To fuel Pansy's anger further, you threw up a peace sign, pouted, and said: "getting laid before you."

You heard Cedric laugh gently and you could feel him, somehow, roll his eyes at this statement. Truth was, you were not going to get laid just yet, but you knew you and Cedric were about to spend enjoyable time together, for there is nothing quite as fun as being in bed with your boyfriend alone, occasionally kissing, hugging, sometimes tickling, and most of all, chatting pure shit about other people the two of you dislike. That was, in fact, exactly what you did. An empty dorm was perfect, and you and Cedric lied on his bed, facing each other, smiling and giggling. He had his hand under your top, on your back, holding you close.

"I don't know who that is," you frowned. "I don't know many Hufflepuffs, if I'm honest. He seems like a dickhead though."

"He really is," Cedric said, smiling.

"Who I hate most is..." You paused. "Pansy Parkinson."

"Her? I thought it would've been Malfoy."

You paused, realising you should have picked Malfoy. The worst part of it, however, was the fact that you did not actually consider him: he was not even a part of the hatred list as you were examining who to pick as most hated.

"I can stand him just because we've had many detentions together. But Pansy, she's like the worse version of him," you said quickly, trying to ease the situation.

"I suppose so."

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