Mocking Malfoy

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Wandering through the halls, you began to hear the sudden, unusual distant sound of whispers. Inaudible whispers that is, yet something unusually alluring about them, and mysterious, attracted you and caused you to squint your eyes and slowly follow through the walls, following the sound of the whispers. Yet, a person you did not find, but emptiness. Looking out into the hall, there stood no one, and the whispers stopped. Looking around, from hallway to hallway, you sought out people, but it was pure emptiness, and the darkness began to feel much more eerie than you'd wished. Finally taking it upon yourself to make a full turn and look behind yourself at the wall, that was when you discovered it.



Supposedly written in blood, with tiny droplets of it falling down the wall. You opened your mouth to instinctively scream, however you held back, bit your lip, furrowed your brows, and got your wand out just in case. But you had to tell someone. Not Snape - you were mad at him. But someone had to know, and that someone was to be Professor McGonagall.

Charging through the hallways, turning left, right, up the stairs, through the halls, you finally burst in through the grand doors of the Great Hall. Whilst everyone's attention remained on Dumbledore, who was now giving a speech, you quickly made your way around the hall, avoiding everyone's sight but unavoidably being in it anyway, you finally stepped up onto the altar for the teacher's table, headed to McGonagall and bent down to whisper in her ear, "the chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware."

McGonagall shot you a horrified look. You gave her the 'come with me' look as quickly as possible, and she understood, standing from the table as discreetly as she could and leaving the Great Hall with you. And so suddenly, out of nowhere, Hermione, Ron and Harry appeared too, and were following. And, to make it even better, Malfoy also appeared and proceeded to follow.

"What's happening?" Hermione asked, quickly catching up.

"Miss Granger, you are to stay in the hall. And Mr Potter and Weasley. And Mr Malfoy!"

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked, turning to Malfoy, "no one invited you."

"No one invited you either, but it looks like we're all going. Something's up, and I want to know what."

"Being nosey won't get you anywhere," you said.

"Being a bitch won't get you anywhere either."

"Enough!" McGonagall demanded. "Let's hurry along, where is it, [F/n]?"

You nodded, and directed the small group to the place upon which the writing was. Everyone gasped the second they saw it, and you gripped your wand tighter in your hand, feeling restless at the sight of the writing.

"I reckon Potter wrote it herself." Malfoy said, not quite convinced of it himself, appearing slightly uneasy.

"I would've told you specifically to beware."

Suddenly, Filch's voice came from behind, "what is going on?"

McGonagall, her eyes staring at the wall in horror, exhaled deeply before turning to Filch.

"The chamber of secrets has been opened."

"What's the chamber of secrets?" You asked.

"Right, the five of you, off you go."

"But what is it?" Harry persisted.

"Being nosey won't get you anywhere, as Miss Potter said. So run along, to your common rooms."

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