One Last Time

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You pulled the door to his bedroom open, ready to leave. Draco, however, noticing that you were prepared to leave, approached you quickly and, forcefully, struck his hand against the door, slamming the door shut with a loud bang. You jumped lightly at the force of his action, turning to him with furrowed brows. Your back was against the door he'd just slammed and, with his hand still resting against the door, he towered over you. Breathing heavily, he continued to stare down at you with his furrowed brows.

"You're so fucking annoying," he finally whispered out in his hoarse tone.

Silence ensued.

Not for very long, however. Soon enough, the sound of Mr Malfoy pushing you further up against the door followed as his lips had pressed themselves against yours. Momentarily, you wished to push him off and tell him not to fucking touch you; for he'd made an enemy of you with his cruel words and, as Jack stated, you ought to get your priorities right. You were [F/n] Potter - you deserved better than to be treated well whenever it suited him. However, in this moment, you relapsed completely and succumbed to feel of his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pressed himself against you. Just one last time, you told yourself, one last time.

As Draco reached down to your top, he slithered his hands upwards under it, exploring your body with his freezing hands. You shivered lightly at the feel of his cold, but it nonetheless felt refreshing and fine, inspiring you to press yourself against him closer. He took this opportunity to unclip your bra with his one swift hand.

However, the second you proceeded to unbutton his shirt, he forced his lips against yours more and, with his other hand, reached out towards his pocket out of which he pulled out his wand. With one slick hand motion, the wand's magic whooshed all the fire from the candles which lit the room, including the large candle chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. Thus, the two of you proceeded in full darkness, with no ability to see each other.

That, of course, didn't stop the low groans coming from you and Draco as he threw his wand down onto the floor carelessly, lifting you up in his arms. You wrapped your legs around him as he held you by the back of your tights, still kissing you, as he carried you over to his bed. This certainly was thrilling - for the first time, there was something excessively personal. You were about to become one with Draco Malfoy on a bed of his ownership. Sure - at Grimmauld Place, it was technically your bed, but it wasn't really your bed. This, on the other hand, this belonged to him and him only. This was his possession. And you were, hopefully, going to be the first girl he fucked on it.

When he lowered you onto his bed, he towered over you completely and pressed himself against you, in between your legs, before he proceeded downwards and continued to kiss your body (which he now stripped of clothes, of course). First your chest, then down onto your stomach, which he gently kissed and bathed in completely.

This was his body.

The body he so loved, so cherished, and so possessed. The thought of anyone ever touching this body absolutely infuriated him, and he thus took every opportunity to feel you with his own hands, running his hands up and down and grabbing onto every inch of your skin.

Finally, Draco seized control of your trousers which he slickly unbuttoned, unzipped, and ... pulled down. And, in that moment, Draco chose to not-be-selfish. Reader, I shall use allusions, and it is up to you to figure out what they mean. I believe I make myself clear when I inform you that it was actually Draco's ... mouth at work. Excuse me for the lack of a clarified description, but as a narrator, I do feel like I am intruding. Nevertheless, Draco did look up at you; scarcely seeing you within the darkness, but knowing of his success due to your voice, which you put to good use. His hands wandered upwards, feeling the entirety of your chest as he continued.

Yet, leaving you dissatisfied, he left the rest for himself. And, when he pulled his top off, the darkness prevented you from seeing his body. You could hardly see his body, only the outline. Of course, Draco. Of course you'll only undress in the darkness.

When he'd undressed himself, he proceeded with you, this time owning you completely with himself. Draco's door did not have a lock, thus it was a matter of bad luck if anyone was to come in, especially Snape or Narcissa, or God forbid, Bellatrix, who you would be forced to battle naked.

Though you and Draco were encompassed by darkness, there was something painfully intimate about the eye contact you made within this darkness with every action of Draco's. Towering on top of you, he was acting in his manner suited for the purpose, but he thus watched you within the shadows and examined your gleaming eyes, which reflected themselves within his. You watched him back, looking at him upwards, with gently half-lidded, hungry, but loving eyes as you looked upon him.

Excuse the details, but with every second he caught a glimpse of the shine within your eyes and the gentle yet craving manner in which you looked up at him, he could not prevent himself from becoming harsher in his actions. It only made it all a hell of a lot better, so you were by no means complaining. When he'd lowered himself, pressing his face against your neck, you were left to hear his groans into your ear, which suddenly became your favourite form of music. That's my favourite song.

His hand had lifted itself in the process, encompassing your neck and digging his fingers into the sides. You felt his rings press into your neck, inspiring a victorious smirk upon your lips as you gently tilted your head back to give him easier access in pressing his hand into your neck. Still buried in your neck, he thus allowed his fingers to gently travel along your jaw, upwards to your lips. With his thumb, he trailed it along your bottom lip, grazing his ring along your chin. Slowly, he slithered his thumb upwards and gently ran it along the inside your lips, giving you access to close your mouth and bite down softly on his thumb. He smirked into the crook of your neck at the feeling of your mouth along his thumb, after which he pressed it against your tongue within your mouth, which you embraced gladly.

In the famous words of Jack Monroe, be a hoe.

"Fuck, [F/n]," was the only thing which became your favourite form of music, right after Draco's groans. What a melody! Yes, yes. That was how your name ought to be said - within the groan of Draco Malfoy's voice.

It sounds like a myth, and truly unbelievable but, hear me out ... this boy has the capability of finishing off a girl more than once. In this case, twice. After you'd expressed his name very greatly, he smirked victoriously before throwing himself down on the bed, on his back, and lifting you up. He'd placed you on himself, both of you already tired, sweating and breathing, and this time, it was your turn to do the work.

That was Draco's first, and your second, moment of ecstasy of the night.

And, only in the aftermath, you continued to question: how the hell is this supposed to be the one last time?

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