Dramatic Aesthetic

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"And he kissed me and asked me if I'd be his girlfriend as the fireworks were off in the background. Really had a main character, fan-fiction moment there. I was so happy. So, so happy."

"You can't stop smiling," Ron smiled gently, noticing the extent of your smile.

"Oh, can you blame me? Gosh ... I love him so much!"

"Fun," Harry added with a roll of his eyes, leaning his head against the window of the Hogwarts Express as he continued to stare out at the passing hills.

"And I'm so ... so happy that all of you know! I don't wish to have secrets between you all anymore."

"Are you planning to become official like ... openly ... at Hogwarts, then?" Hermione asked.

You sealed your lips momentarily. "I haven't actually thought about that. Draco hasn't mentioned anything, but I'm assuming ... he'd want to keep it a secret."

"I still don't get how you can trust him," Harry sighed, sitting up. "I get the whole in love thing, yeah, whatever ... but he's literally family with our enemies. I've told you, [F/n] ... you know what he could be."

"He's not." You quickly snapped, avoiding Harry's gaze nervously but nonetheless appearing confident in your tone. "He ... he has no mark."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I have sex with him five times a day, Harry!"

"You could've left that part out!" Harry cried out, hitting your head.

"Although ... I do have news," you began, inching yourself closer to your friends, "as you all know ... Lucius is a Death Eater. We know that, obviously ... and Narcissa told me some news."

"What is it?" Hermione asked, also leaning closer.

"She says that Voldemort is punishing Lucius for not getting mine and Harry's prophecies."

"Punishing?" Ron asked.

"Apparently the Death Eater meetings are held at the Malfoy Manor, and Voldemort basically has control over their house. The prophecies were very important, but Narcissa doesn't know what they had in them. Since they're broken, there's no way of finding out. But what could possibly be so important to Voldemort?"

"Who predicted the prophecies?" Hermione asked.

"They were signed off as ... Trelawney."

"Then why don't we ask her? But ... she got kicked out of Hogwarts under Umbridge. We'd have to find her elsewhere so that she could tell us." Ron added.

"Wait," Harry paused, also leaning in, "Narcissa?"

"Draco's mum."

"Is she a Death Eater?"

"I - that's a good question. I mean ... I'm assuming she is, since Lucius is."

"Then why did she tell you this?"

"Because ... she's on our side," you said, "and she wants me to protect Draco from any harm."

"On our side, you say?" Harry sighed, looking out the window. "We could use this to our advantage. Find out what the Death Eaters are up to. But that's if [F/n] is actually willing to do this."

"Do what?"

"Get information from Draco's mum."

I can get it from Draco himself, you thought. "Yeah, I can do it."

Upon the time of arrival, you ensured you hand your wand due to your horrible habit of losing it before exiting the train. You wore a black TOKYO hoodie which you bought back in Wiltshire with Draco, which you also persuaded Draco to buy one for himself to match you. He, though sceptical over the idea of a hoodie, decided to buy it too and thus packed it in his bag. His formal self, of course, caused him to wear his black formal outfit anyway with the blazer; not that you minded, when he looked so fine. Nevertheless, you did not catch sight of Draco as you exited the train, but you felt your energy be pumped as you hopped back and forth, flipping your wand between your fingers with a mischievous grin.

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