A Bold Assumption

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With a sigh, you leaned your head on your hand, which was resting on your knee, for you had no table before yourself but sat in a large hall with all the other Slytherins, sitting on benches around the room. Snape, with the least enthusiasm ever, stood in the middle and proceeded to explain the Yule Ball and the expected dance of it. You didn't quite understand why you were to be with the Slytherins; you would have learned to do the dance whether you sat with the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, or even Ravenclaws. Snape had, simply, felt the need to ruin your day and thus coerced you to sit with the Slytherins.

"This is so dead," you heard Pansy whisper over to one of her friends, who were sitting on the bench behind you. Indeed - her and Malfoy suited each other well, for both of them did not quite know when to reserve themselves and what was labelled as rude or disrespectful. They were both, in your opinion, very rude and unworthy people. The only difference between the two was that Malfoy appeared in your dreams, whereas Pansy, to your luck, did not. Often speaking up and criticising them, you decided to keep your mouth shut today, not wishing to get sent out and hoping to get the dance lesson over and done with as soon as possible.

"I am not dancing," Snape said lowly, scanning the students with tiredness, clearly not wanting to be there any longer. You could not blame him, for you yourself did not wish to remain in this place any longer, but certain rules were to be abided. A bit of a shame that this was the rule you felt the need to abide, but whatever. Anyhow, Snape's eyes continued to scan the students, and he finally let out a breath. "Can I get two volunteers?"

The hall remained silent. Absolutely no one lifted their hand, ultimately dreading the situation. This could only mean one thing - the worst thing of all. Snape was going to pick two people, and you already knew you were going to be one of them due to his liking of torturing you. Internally, you began to beg for someone to lift their hand; to sacrifice themselves. But, no one did.

"Potter," Snape said quickly, his eyes intently on you. Yes. Absolutely. You knew this was going to happen, and yet, the mere sound of your name made your heart sink at the realisation that there was no avoiding it. Some students began to giggle and whisper among themselves, and it made you dread getting up even more. "Come up."

"Must I?" You protested.


"But I don't want to."

"I don't want a lot of things either, but they happen anyway. Deal with it and get up here."

With a sigh, you lifted yourself, and just as you stood up you managed to hear "I hope she trips, useless," come from Pansy's mouth. Resisting the urge to turn around and hit her, you gritted your jaw and continued your walk along towards the centre of the hall to Snape, who watched you. Of course, he was not the only one watching you; the entirety of the hall had their eyes upon you (including Mr Malfoy), and it made you feel quite uneasy. Bowing your head slightly down, you made slow steps towards him, and upon reaching him, he instructed you to lift your head which, with a groan, you did before rolling your eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me."

"Sure," you groaned.

"I am not dancing with you."

"Am I to dance alone then?" You scoffed.

"No." Snape said, looking at you intently, almost as though he were trying to tell you something secretly through mere eye contact. You failed to understand, however. He noticed this and, stepping away from you, looked back around the room and finally called out. "Mr Malfoy, would you come up here?"

Your eyes darted towards Snape, furrowed brows and squinted eyes of fury. He knew what he was doing, and it was sly on his behalf. Again, what was to be expected of a Slytherin like him?

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