Pissed Potter

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Harry burst into the Great Hall yet again, stumbling on his way due to his inability to focus on the events around him, ultimately stuck in his mind of the previous events. Determined and petrified, he paced his way towards the Gryffindor table where sat his two best friends in a panicked manner. Hermione and Ron watched Harry approach them with uncertain expressions, worried at their core, especially after they noticed Harry's sharp and critical expression.

"They've done something to her!" Harry said immediately as he reached his friends. His tone was low, his chest breathless. His lips trembled, panicked, as his hands shook. "She's ... she's in there with them! What have they done to my sister!? Why was she ... why was she crying and saving that twat, Malfoy!?"

"Harry, sit down," Hermione instructed, her face calm, for she knew.

"No - no, Hermione! It's not your sister that's being taken advantage of!"

"Listen to Hermione ... no one's being taken advantage of," Ron said lowly, looking at Harry with a worried expression.

Harry's eyes flashed back and forth between Hermione and Ron in disbelief. He could not comprehend everyone's unusual behaviour. First you, and now these two. Why weren't they panicking!? Why weren't they sticking up for Harry!? Why, of all times, were they sitting there in peace, as though they knew more than him?

"You ... you didn't see it! He started ... bleeding ... and she - she!"

"She cried for him and saved him, yeah, yeah, we get it, Harry. Sit down, will you?" Ron said in a frustrated tone.

"Hey," Ginny quickly said as she'd approached the three. "Are [F/n] and Draco okay?"

Harry shot his eyes towards the ginger girl, his eyes widening in disbelief. Had the world gone mad? Why was even Ginny now requesting the health of 'Draco'? Why Draco, not Malfoy? What was this nonsense - this familiar, friendly nonsense!? Harry's heart rate increased even more now as he stared at the three, his eyes in absolute panic. He could not help but feel breathless, dizzy and weak at the behaviour of his friends, but most of all, the behaviour of his wicked sister, who had succumbed to the enemy.

"Ginny," Hermione said, "sit him down, will you?"

"Don't," Harry snapped.

"What's happening?"

"Harry finally witnessed [F/n] crying over Malfoy," Ron said.

"Why are you all acting like this is normal behaviour!?"

"You should sit, Harry," Ginny said, gently nudging him towards the bench.

Harry, shaking, stared at her for a moment before finally sighing and taking a seat. As he sat, his leg trembled chaotically under the table as his eyes shot back and forth. His breath was fluctuating excessively. There was little for him to say, little for him to do. He sat like the passive being he was in silence, waiting for someone to finally speak and explain to him. Ginny took a seat beside him, and the three stared awkwardly at Harry, neither of them wanting to take on the role of explaining it to Harry.

"Well?" He said, growing impatient.

Ron and Hermione turned their eyes to Ginny.

"Don't look at me."

"You've known the longest," Ron said.

"Known what!?"

"Fine! I'll say it!" Hermione called out, her heart beating rapidly. Harry turned to Hermione, waiting for her to speak. His face was pale, his heart in rhythm to the panic of Hermione's. "[F/n] and Draco, you see ... they are ... friends."

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