The Opal Necklace

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The snow had grown heavy. The mere sight of snow already lightened your mood lightly, for it always reminded you to stay hopeful in moments of little to no hope. You thus placed on your sweater to keep yourself warm. On the sweater went your coat. Then your scarf. And finally, you put the hood of the coat up and made your way out of the dorms. There, in the common room, sat Draco alone. He was staring ahead of himself at the fireplace, dressed in black formal trousers (as usual) and a black sweater also. He looked so peaceful, just sitting deep in thought, and your heart ached immensely at the knowledge that you couldn't just walk up to him and kiss him because, if you did, he would scold you and tell you to stop. Perhaps ... perhaps he was right. Perhaps you ought to stop, after all.

You crossed the Slytherin common room, and your footsteps snapped Draco out of his day dream as he turned to you. He watched you exit, and though he could not see your face or hair due to your hood, he knew perfectly it was you from the clothes, the walk, and the simple vibe around you. He sighed, watching you desolately, but turned back to the fireplace once you'd gone.

You ended up going to Hogsmeade with Harry, Hermione and Ron. The snow storm was getting worse, but you did not necessarily mind it as it meant more snow. On your way there, Hermione did everything in her power to divert your attention off your blues and attempted to bring your usual jovial self as much as possible. She understood that it was not going to be easy, but she abhorred seeing you in such agony. Especially over a boy.

"Gosh! It's snowing quite a lot, isn't it?" Hermione bloomed.

"Yes!" You exclaimed, also trying your hardest to forget about Draco. "But that's good."

"It's going to be another snowy Christmas, eh?" Ron said.

"Is anyone staying at Hogwarts this Christmas?" Hermione asked.

"Well, probably me and [F/n]. We'd rather stay here than go to the Dursleys."

"Oh, don't be ridiculous," Ron scoffed, "you can come to my house, of course. It's your house too, you know."

"Are you sure? We wouldn't want to intrude."

"Of course! My mum loves you, you know ... it's quite ridiculous actually. Sometimes I think she loves you more than me," Ron sighed, leaving you, Harry and Hermione to laugh. "I'm serious - whenever I see her, she first asks about you guys."

When you finally arrived at The Three Broomsticks, you all sat down and ordered your drinks. Of course, you all chose the usual - Butterbeer. It was basically a tradition to drink it by now. And so, as you sat, you all took off your coats and proceeded to fall into fifty different conversations which inspired laughter within all of you and, for the time being, managed to somewhat divert your heartbreak from Draco Malfoy.

"I wonder how Jack's doing," you finally said.

"Jack? From work?"


"I don't know. Why don't you send him a letter?"

"Don't you think it'd freak him out?"

"Well, probably. But that's never stopped you before."

"That's true," you nodded, "you know what - you're right. I'll write to him. I'll tell him. I spent weeks with him, I think I can trust him with this ... he seems pretty open minded anyway."

"Wait, you want to tell him about wizards?" Ron asked.


"Isn't that risky?"

"Yes, but when has that ever stopped her before?" Harry said.


"I'll ask how he's doing. I'll ask him if he wants to meet up over the Christmas holidays."

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