Shut Up and Take It

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At six, you arrived at Snape's office. Sitting down, he threw down a pile of work on your desk, which was at the back of the class. Then five minutes later arrived Malfoy.

"You're late."

"Only five minutes."

"Only?" Snape looked up from his papers. "Sit."

Malfoy went and sat on the desk also at the back of the class, however a desk away from you.

"I expect all this paperwork done. Then you'll be free to go." Snape said, throwing down another pile of Malfoy's desk and easing back into his chair after a second.

"Professor, I don't understand why I'm in here when I did nothing wrong."


And so, you and Malfoy sat and did the paperwork as instructed. It did not take too long, only an hour or so, which, on second thought, was very long. Your reasoning behind such fast working through the stack was to beat Malfoy, which you successfully did, for he had some papers left whilst you'd finished the entire pile. He turned to you and huffed before muttering, "teacher's pet."

"Cry about it," you replied.

"I'm not stuck up the teacher's arse like you."

"I'm not too sure about that."

Malfoy rolled his eyes.

"What is the matter with you two?" Snape asked with an exasperated sigh, outstretching his arms before himself on the desk. "Not a second of peace."

"We literally sat in silence for an hour." You said with a poker face.

"I may be no therapist," Snape said lowly, "but let's hear it. Potter, what is your issue with Malfoy?"

"My issue with Malfoy? You mean issues?"

"Issues!" Malfoy mocked.

"Silence!" Snape instructed much louder this time. "Speak, only Potter. Your turn will come Malfoy. Rid yourself of your negative feelings, then, if you please."

"We'll be here for a while," you paused. "I don't like how he's so unbelievably stuck up and convinced just because he's a Malfoy the world owes him something. He is incredibly stuck up his own arsehole and believes everyone actually cares about his father-"

"I've told you not to speak of my father with your rotten mouth!"

"Malfoy!" Snape finally yelled, causing both you and Malfoy to snap towards Snape with horrified expressions due to the anger in his tone which one had never seen before. "As I said, your turn will come." And thus Snape turned back to you, yet again.

"As I was saying," you sneered at Malfoy, "he is also incredibly selfish and only thinks of himself. He's also a huge coward. He holds massive amounts of prejudice. He's incapable of being nice. He's the least trustworthy person. He has a superiority complex."


"I can go on."

"That seems enough for now. Now you, Malfoy, what bothers you about Potter?"

"Her existence."


Malfoy sighed. "She tries to be such a good person and tries to be everyone's saviour but it just doesn't work like that. She thinks she's so almighty and proud and better than everyone else and she's so confident and believes everyone's scared of her. She never takes the consequences for her actions and is incredibly immature. She blames everything on everyone else. She's also a massive teacher's pet. And she also only thinks of herself."

"Only thinks of herself!?" You yelled out, practically slamming the desk. "Who was it that fucking dragged you out the tunnels to make sure you were fine!? Who the fuck helped you leave the chamber of secrets!?"

"Yeah? And who the fuck passed you the sword!?"

"Who the fuck saved your life, Malfoy!?"

"Chamber," Snape repeated coolly and quietly, "of secrets?"

You and Malfoy, realising that you'd slipped up, sealed your mouths shut immediately and turned to Snape with wary looks.

"You two," he paused, "entered the chamber of secrets? Alone?"

"Well," you began, "perhaps."

"Why do I not know about this?" He asked in a deadly manner.

"Well, we didn't necessarily want anyone to know that the two of us did anything at all together. It would be embarrassing to be seen with her."

"How did you get down there?"

Malfoy looked at you.

"I opened it."



Snape clicked his tongue. "Detention is over. You're free to leave."

You and Malfoy stared at his thoughtful expression for a couple more seconds before slowly and warily getting up and leaving the room together.

"We should have kept our mouths shut." Malfoy huffed.

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Look at you, starting again."

"I don't care. I'll kick a ball in your face again if need be."

"There'll be no big fifth year student to protect you this time."

"You know damn well I don't need one."

"It's all big talk. You'd just shut up and take it." Malfoy scoffed, though his tone sounded lightly humorous as he left your side and walked away, leaving you to stare at him dumbfounded. Shut up and take it? Surely that is not what he meant. Surely that was not a euphemism for what you thought. Shut up and take it? Of course not! You, of all people, would never shut up and take it in any aspect.

For the rest of the day, you spent your time wondering what Malfoy exactly meant by shut up and take it. Did he mean a beating? No - you'd never take a beating. You concluded that asking your friends would be a good idea, as the four of you sat around the Gryffindor fireplace.

"What does it usually mean when someone says shut up and take it?"

"Are we talking porn?" Harry asked.

"What? No!"

"I'd say it's a flirt." Hermione said. "It's what all the older boys would always joke about: a girl shutting up and taking it. You know - taking it."

"Why are you asking something like this?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. It's just on my mind."

"Just on your mind?"

"Yes. Next caller."

The three looked at you suspiciously, but you moved on from the topic quickly and easily. You had luckily dodged a bullet, and you promised yourself to never bring it up to them ever again. But - for Malfoy to have sexual intentions in regard to you? The mere thought of it made you feel icky.

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