And a Lot More

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"Oh, leave off," Ron laughed, "no way did she say that!"

"She really did. She's a bit of a psycho, as you can tell," Harry nodded, looking at you. "Then she jumped up on the table, and we started swinging our wands around. As you can tell, it's the only way we can entertain ourselves back in that horror house."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I was being very reasonable," you said, grinning. With this, the trolley with sweets had passed, and you realised you'd missed it, meaning you were forced to go and catch up to it. "I'm getting chocolate, anyone want anything?"

"Can you get me a chocolate frog?" Hermione asked.

"No." You said. "Stupid question, of course I will."

You rose, and left your compartment, going after the trolley, as it had stopped by one of the seats. And, beside this very trolley, was the seat upon which sat Draco Malfoy in his black suit (which worked way too well on you), opposite him Pansy Parkinson, beside him Blaise Zabini, and beside Pansy another unnamed female Slytherin, whose name you never learned, and never bothered to learn afterwards. Pausing in your place for a single moment, you gritted your teeth, realising you had come into the field of Draco Malfoy. Slowly, he lifted his gaze, and caught sight of you, awaiting in the queue to get to the trolley. He, too, clenched his jaw at the sight of you.

"Hey, it's Potter!" Blaise called out with a grin, reaching his hand out and over to you to shake your hand in a manly-like manner. Though sceptically, you reached your hand out too and shook it the way he did, in a handshake. "How was your summer, Potter?"

"Yeah, good," you replied after a pause of awkwardness. You wished to speak normally, yet knowing the manner in which Malfoy's eyes were upon you, you could not help but feel uneasy with the worry that you looked weird or strange.

"What're you getting?" Blaise asked.

"Uh," you paused, "what did Hermione want again? I think a chocolate frog. Actually, two."

"You alright?" Blaise raised his eyebrow, "you're stumbling on your own words."

"Am I? I don't think so."

"Yeah, clearly you can't hear yourself."

"Blaise, you're embarrassing yourself," Pansy finally spoke up. "Stop talking to her. It's embarrassing."

"You're embarrassing," you said with a sneer. "It's always people like you who have the most to say, isn't it?"

"Watch it, Potter," Pansy furrowed her brows.

"Or what are you going to do?" You grinned at her. "Entertain me, for once."

She could not respond. She had absolutely no rebuttal. The best she could do, however, which worked very well, was reach out her hand across the table and place her hand in Malfoy's, intertwining her fingers with his. Indeed, that was the power she possessed, and it was enough to grind your gears.

"Potter's kind of hot when she's a sarcastic bitch," Blaise whispered. "Don't you think?"

"What?" Malfoy looked at him.

"Oh, your girlfriend's here, forgot," Blaise flashed Draco a wink.

"Draco?" Pansy furrowed her brows, seeing Blaise's attitude.

"Don't look at me! He's the one saying it."

You, as quickly as possible, bought the two chocolate frogs and made your way away. On the way back, your eyes caught Malfoy's one more time, but the two of you looked away as quickly as you looked towards each other. As quickly as it came, had it gone.

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