Pansy's Questions

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"Albus!" You exclaimed with joy as your owl flew in through the window to the Slytherin common room with a letter. He thus dropped the letter and stayed on your shoulder, as you opened the letter and discovered it to be from Sirius, which was splendid news. You had already asked him for the textbooks, and therefore you hoped the letter would be in regards to it.

Dear [F/n],

It was great to hear from you, and I think it's very ambitious of you and Hermione to wish to pursue a life outside of the wizarding world as well as your wizard lives. I was sure to buy the textbooks as you named them, and they are waiting here in your room. However, I write this letter for other reasons. As you remember, the Order of the Phoenix has been brought back together, and, as you remember, your dream about Arthur Weasley proved true. I hope your Occlumency lessons with Snape are going well, as he has told us multiple times at the meetings that they're still going on. And so, as days go by, I would like it if you and Harry managed to get some day together, with your friends, and perhaps begin preparing. Don't be alarmed; we have not heard anything, but it is better to stay safe and prepared. It almost feels like the calm before the storm, and we'd want you all to be prepared before anything happens.

I have spoken to Dumbledore and he says he is fine with you coming to see me this weekend with Harry and some friends, not only to pick up your textbooks but also to discuss further plans. If you can't do it this weekend, please send a letter back and let me know.

Good luck, and I hope you and Cedric are doing well. Tell Harry I said hello.

Lots of love,

Sirius Black

Smiling, you folded the paper and put it in your pocket. Turning back to the Slytherin common room, your eyes met Pansy's, who was sitting on the Slytherin sofa with Draco, Blaise, Flint, Bulstrode, and Goyle. Blaise openly looked at you whenever he wanted, the rest only did to scoff or roll their eyes, whereas Draco attempted to avoid the sight of you at all costs. You didn't mind. Well, you kind of did, but you told yourself you didn't. Whether he expressed it openly or not, you knew you had him wrapped around your finger, and it was all the more exciting to see his rotten girlfriend sitting on the sofa that he fucked you ever so roughly on.

"Letter from your mum?" Pansy smirked. "Oh wait - "

"Finish that sentence and you'll die." You said, your wand aimed at her already just as soon as she mentioned your parent.

"Take a joke, Potter."

"I can. You're just exceptionally boring." You flashed her a wink, lowering your wand.

"Rich coming from you."

"That sofa comfy, yeah?" You asked, smirking. Draco cleared his throat, his eyes ahead of himself at the fireplace, as he held back a smirk by biting his lips.


You opened your mouth to reply, but the Slytherin common room had already opened and through it burst in Harry. He scanned the common room and when he noticed your eyes, he smiled of relief.

"There you are," he sighed.

"What is it?" You asked, going over to him. "Sirius says hello."

"Sirius? Like, Sirius Black?" Pansy called out, standing up from the sofa.

"Yeah, sit down," Harry said, shutting her up.

"Don't tell me what to do."

Harry ignored her, and turned back to you. "I was just about to say. I got a letter from Sirius saying we should go see him this weekend coming up at Grimmauld Place. Can you do it?"

"Yeah. He said to bring some friends. Who do we bring?"

The Slytherins in the room had fallen silent, for they became immersed in listening in on your conversation with Harry.

"Obviously Hermione and Ron. I'm assuming Ginny won't let us go without taking her too," he said, "who else?"

For a moment, you considered Draco. But, realising the circumstance of your situation with him, you went against it and kept his name out of your mouth.

"Cedric?" Harry asked.

"Oh, we," you paused, "we broke up."

"You broke up with Cedric!? Why didn't you tell me!?" Harry exclaimed, rather loudly, meaning everyone in the room heard more than clearly. Draco could not hold back his smirk, but he thus looked over to you and Harry and began watching the two of you intently.

"I'll tell you about it later, alright? For now, let's talk about this."

"Right, then. I suppose Neville and Luna too. They'll want to help, I think."

"Will the rest of the Order be there? Like Lupin and Moody, and all that lot."

"I'm assuming so. He says he hasn't heard anything else about the Death Eaters or Voldemort, though, so I don't know if there'd even much to say."

"Death Eaters?" Pansy asked again.

"Keep your nose out of this conversation! You're not in it for a reason!" Harry finally yelled out, angrier than before, looking past you at Pansy. "No wonder you fucking hate her. She's so irritating," Harry scoffed at you. "No wonder her and Malfoy go well together."

"What was that, Potter?" Draco called out.

"You heard."

"Say it again, go on."

"Oh, shut up, will you?" You finally intervened, looking at Malfoy. He shut up as soon as you told him to, and looked away with a scoff. Turning back to Harry, you continued, "then, why are we even going?"

"I think he wants to talk about pursuing the Order with us. Voldemort could be back any moment."

"Surely, if he's close, our scars would be hurting."

"Yeah, actually, but even your dreams could mean he's close. Obviously Snape's helping with it, but even the fact that you had a dream about it and Voldemort's ability to see into your mind, as you in his, could suggest the closeness. So we better stay alert. Make sure to tell us of any more dreams, alright?"

"And Mr Weasley? Have we heard of how he's doing?"

"Yes. He's fine. Don't worry about that now. Prioritise yourself and the Occlumency lessons. Without them, [F/n], if Voldemort realises he can enter your mind, they say he could easily kill you or even possess you. Now, you don't want to be possessed, do you?"

"I kind of do."

"The answer was no," Harry smacked your head. "Alright, good luck with these Slytherins."

"I'm going to read anyway," you said with a smile, "be careful, Harry."

"You too, skank," Harry smiled, ruffling up your hair before exiting the common room. Finally, the Slytherins continued their whispering.

"So what's this Death Eater and You-Know-Who business?" Pansy asked, appearing as a snobby teenager.

"Not your business."

"Kind of is, if I'm going to die."

"You'll die by me, not the Death Eaters, I'll make sure of that."

"Wasn't funny," she scoffed.

"Wasn't a joke."

"So it's true that He's come back?"

Growing frustrated with her on-going questions you inhaled calmly before turning to her and with a face that appeared as though you were telling a scary story to a child, and said, "he is, and he can see inside my mind. He can see you through my eyes. He can see how fucking annoying you are. And I, being connected with him, can feel his emotions. He hates seeing you and feels disgusted."

"You're really connected to him?" Flint scoffed, not believing you.

"Oh, yeah. It was me who saved Arthur Weasley from the Voldemort attack back at the Ministry. I dreamt of Voldemort's plan. Guess you could say we're besties," you grinned maniacally, "I can survive his AK curse. But can you?" Flashing them all a wink, you headed off to the girls' dorm, where you threw yourself on your bed and rolled your eyes, sighing and pulling out a book.

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