Summer Diggory

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The summer holidays were spent every so boringly. The first part, at least. Most days, you did nothing but sit around and read and, when forced to, tidy or cook like the slave you were. Besides that, you often roamed around streets in the darkness or spent time doing your own thing. Sometimes Harry would join in, and the two of you would walk back and forth and discuss matters from Hogwarts. Over the course of the third year, you'd spent less time with your best friends, meaning you spent less time with Harry, so he inquired more about your life and specific details of the third year which he'd missed out on, which you caught him up in. You informed him of what Cedric told you, in regards to the Triwizard Tournament, and Harry said he'd never heard of it before. He did, however, mention that there were going to be some important Quidditch matches sometime before the school year was to start, as Mr Weasley had invited you and Harry along to go with the rest of the family. It was splendid news to you, a Quidditch seeker.

The second part of the summer holidays was far better, for Sirius began to visit you more often and appeared on random days, taking you and Harry out to town. The Dursleys knew nothing of this, as you and Harry claimed to be leaving by yourselves. Many days were spent sitting on the bench, the three of you, eating ice cream and discussing people that walked past.

"Blue isn't her colour," Sirius added as a woman dressed in a blue shirt walked past.

"I think she looks gorgeous," you added. "You've just no taste."

"I have no taste!?" Sirius scoffed. "Look at you, dating a Hufflepuff, or whatever."

"Hey - he's cute and handsome and hot and has a great body."

"A great body!" Sirius laughed, and Harry followed, as the two began snickering amongst themselves as they proceeded to mock you.

"It's not that funny," you scoffed.

"You're right. It's extremely funny." Harry added, grinning from ear to ear as him and Sirius laughed at you some more.

Then, a couple of nights before the end of your holidays, you received a knock at your door which was completely a surprise and, upon Uncle Vernon opening it, you heard your name be called from your bedroom in which you were sitting and reading. Placing your book down, you hopped downstairs and, still standing on the stairs, peeked at the door to see who it was and discovered a furious Uncle Vernon and an awkwardly smiling Cedric Diggory with a backpack hanging on one shoulder. He turned to the stairs and looked at you, and his smile tweaked to become a little wider, but appeared still awkward as he waited for someone to let him in.

"Do you know this boy?" Uncle Vernon asked, a tone of confusion but also annoyance.

"That's my boyfriend." You said quickly. "I told you about him."

"I don't have time to listen to you ridiculous stories!"

"Let him in."

"Have you tidied upstairs like I told you?"

"Yes, almighty sir."

"Don't go mocking me now, you spoilt brat."

"Me? Mocking? Never, sir."

"Right," Uncle Vernon's brows furrowed as he instinctively reached over the stair barrier to grab you, however remembering that Cedric stood at the door, he stopped himself, his face red and swollen from anger, and quickly breathed and recollected himself. "Fine, but be quiet." He thus let Cedric in and closed the door behind him.

"What's the hassle about, Vernon?" Aunt Petunia asked, coming out into the hallway from the living room and, upon the sight of Cedric, stopping in awe and staring at Cedric in admiration, quickly fixing her hair and playing on a generous smile. "Oh, Vernon, and who might this be?"

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