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Slamming your book shut, you lifted yourself from under the tree. As quickly as possible, you exited the courtyard at all costs, and ran towards Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, knowing that you would be left alone in there and completely empty. And in there, you leaned on the sinks, before dropping your head and pouring out your soul. The tears were endless; all flowing through at once, all onto your cheeks, your chin, your neck, and some being so forceful that they physically dropped down into the sinks and washed themselves away. You began to sob loudly; in fact, it was an open cry, a series of sobs of desolate pain which, to you, remained baseless with no true explanation of its occurrence.

"[F/n] Potter is crying!" Myrtle sang out, appearing from nowhere, catching you off guard. "I wonder why," she hummed, flying closer to you.

"I'm not crying," you protested, despite the clear evidence.

"Boy trouble?" She asked in a sing-song voice, placing herself on one of the sinks beside you. You did not answer, but leaned your back against the sinks and merely looked at her with the tearful face of yours that internally begged for help. "Ah, boys!" She sang out. "Well, what can you do?"

"There is nothing to do. It's hopeless."

"And who is it!?"

You hesitated for a moment. "I can't seem to get Draco off my mind, and I cannot help feeling angry and sad when I see how close he has become with Pansy. It kind of feels like he's replaced me with her."

"Replaced you with her!" Myrtle laughed loudly, which turned into a scream, as she circled the entire bathroom against the ceiling, and then finally lowered herself back down to you at the sinks, kicking her legs, and still laughing. "But, if I'm not wrong! [F/n] Potter was never his girlfriend," she said with a sneer, looking at you mockingly. "Whereas Pansy Parkinson was, and is, and will be."

Looking at Myrtle defeated, you sighed and looked down. She was right. And you had absolutely no right to feel sad, or desolate, or unfulfilled. How could you have been replaced, if you were never in a position of importance in the first place?

The next few weeks were spent in a very similar manner to the preceding ones. To avoid Draco was to avoid thought of him. Now you had more important thoughts, which were of the final task, which was only a week away now. It was of vast importance. It was to clarify the winner of the tournament. Lying one evening with Cedric in your bed in the Slytherin girls' dorm room, he played with your hair as he asked if you were nervous for the final task.

"Honestly, kind of shitting it."

"You've done so well, gotten so far. I'm sure you can get through this one just as well, and who knows, maybe you'll be the winner," he smiled earnestly. "You're the only person I'm rooting for more than myself."

"What do you mean?"

"If I'm not to win, you are. I want you to win, [F/n]. I don't care about the victory that much. But for you, it'd be so great."

The manner in which he spoke exposed his truthfulness and care. He was in earnest; he really did wish for you to win. How bizarre!

"But Cedric, you've wanted to win for so long?"

"And? It's just a game. But if you win, it'd feel like I'm winning too. I'd be proud."

"Cedric," you whispered out with a quiet cry, recognising the purity of him. "Shit man," you huffed out before pressing your lips against his, as the two of you indulged in a kiss. And, within the kiss, you began to giggle to each other, before Cedric took a hold of the duvet and thus lifted it up and over the two of you, covering you and your kiss. With this, he lifted up your leg and brought you up and on top of him under the duvet, and the two of you could not contain your giggles as you continued to kiss, only with you sitting on him now, and him allowing his hands to explore you.

Time came, and time went. And before you knew it, it was time to prepare for the third task, later on that day. You, Cedric, Viktor and Fleur had all awoken earlier that day, and arranged to spend the morning together as a final time spender, and thus you sat together for breakfast, and then all proceeded to exercise in the morning as a means of preparing for the final task, which you assumed was going to require fitness, as the others did. All dressed in sports clothes, you all began to jog around the castle of Hogwarts. Viktor was in the lead, with Fleur slightly behind him, and at the back ran you and Cedric side-by-side, occasionally commenting on things and talking.

"Promise me you'll be safe?" He asked.

"I promise. The same goes for you, Cedric. I want no prioritising victory over your own well-being. Understood?"

"Understood, Ma'am."

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