Dumbledore's Army

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It went on. Sneaking around, through the hallways, to the Room of Requirement. The lessons proved far more enjoyable than you'd anticipated for, though they were hard work, you knew you were doing a good deed. Helping your friends, holding their hands, waving them in the correct potion for the spell. You and Harry grew to master some of the best spells, going far beyond the textbook and from single research conducted from books in the libraries, or teacher's suggestions. Thanks to this, not only was everyone prepared, but you and Harry had more preparation than needed.

"Stupefy!" Little Nigel called out, flicking his wand at Harry. In an instant, both him and Harry flew backwards from each other, hitting the ground rapidly.

"Good work, Nigel," Harry smiled, getting up and dusting himself off, leaving Nigel smiling proudly.

It was good to convince the people who participated that all they needed was the will. For, as you repeated this to them, their spells proved far more successful as they began to believe in themselves. And, with this followed the Patronuses. Harry's stag, your doe, which motivated people further to practice their own. This was perhaps the hardest spell to teach, for it required people to search deep into their hearts, something that was rather hard to do when filled in a room with people, staring at you, and especially when there is no drastic requirement of it. Yet, the lessons grew more and more exciting, as you and Harry saw your friends and teammates doing ever so well with their spells, improving every day. Parvati and Padma Patil both surrounded you every lesson, asking for help with certain things, and sought comfort in you, rather than Harry. On the other hand, Cho Chang sought comfort in Harry, which you could not help but feel bitter feelings towards. Cedric was there too, however you did not see him and Cho together really, and you questioned whether they purposely stayed away from each other to keep hidden, or whether they did not wish to spark anything. However, you knew that you and Cedric often looked at each other, with feelings still lingering, but you did not think of them too much. Hermione and Ron also found comfort in each other, battling each other during every lesson, and Hermione undeniably beating Ron in pretty much every single one. Lavender Brown also spent a lot of her time asking Ron to battle her, and Hermione's bitterness at this shone through, as she began to ask Ron to battle her more often. Fred and George found comfort in battling you, as you matched their chaotic energy, and if you were sent back, there was no hesitation in sitting up and sending a spell back towards them, which made them both far more engaged as they had the opportunity to laugh.

However, as time went on, suspicions began to grow. With Umbridge as the Headmistress, she would not accept any secret activity going on behind her back. And so, frames began to go up on the walls. Frames containing new rules. Ones which pushed you and Dumbledore's Army against the wall, with high risks of expulsion. To you, this was normal, so breaking rules was not much of an issue. However, there were students in Dumbledore's Army who had never broken a rule in their life, and this high risk of expulsion just by lying was nerve-wracking, and so you and Harry grew slightly worried that someone would break. Even some students began to join Umbridge. They served to help her uncover who was breaking these rules, and you believed that these students, whoever they were, were simply begging for approval to pass. You wished to uncover who they were and beat them all up individually, but you could not find the energy to do that, on top of all the things you were doing.

One evening, however, you found yourself in the Slytherin common room, sitting on the sofa and reading. It was a weekend, and everyone had gone to bed. You'd gotten up later today, so you did not feel as tired at the present hour, meaning you could stay up for a while longer. The night proved even better when Draco Malfoy walked into the room. He was wearing black formal trousers, along with a black turtle neck, with no robe on, and therefore allowing you to see him in his clothes very well. Turning from your book, you felt yourself almost drool at the sight of him, and you proceeded to gape at the boy as he ran his hand through his hair, getting the fringe out of his eyes, as he smiled, walking over to you on the sofa.

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