Part 1 💕

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Haiya Everyone!! Lexi here; I hope you all enjoy this lil FanFic! I'm such a kid lmao I'm a Teenager yet I'm still fangirling over Cartoons haha. I'm sorry if I get anything from the series wrong or misspell something it'd be really nice if you let me know what you think too! I enjoy it when you guys comment on stories I write 🥺💕


Sofia let out a soft sigh as she leaned on the balcony railing; she looked down at the gardens below a distraught look on her face.

"You alright princess?" Sofia turned around to see a familiar little Bunny climbing onto the railing she currently leaned on.

"Oh hey Clover.." she greeted a small smile forming on her face though it was half forced.

"Alright what's wrong?" He asked his fluffy tail wiggling as he stood on his hind legs trying to get a better look at Sofia; she was much taller now that she was 16. In Fact a lot had changed about her in 5 years.

"I...I don't know Clover." She sighed turning her back to the balcony but still leaning on it. "It's just...Everything feels so wrong lately. I told myself going to Ever Realm Academy was the right thing to do; that I'd be happy studying to become Ambers Royal Advisor but..." she fiddled with her hands.

"But...?" Clover inquired motioning for her to proceed.

"I don't know—-It just feels like, this isn't what I'm meant to do! I mean the day we chose what schools to attend when Graduating from RFA I couldn't decide so I let Amber decide for me but I just feel so Empty at Ever somethings missing? I don't know!!" She held her head in confusion.

"Oh my...well if your not sure why not talk to your parents? They always know what to do right?" Clover suggested.

Sofia nodded "yea maybe your right." She turned back around looking up at the Moon. She then gave Clover a few scratches behind the ears "I'd better get ready, dinner will be ready soon. See you later Clover!" And with that she returned to her room feeling much better about her dilemma.

~about 20 mins later in the dining room~

Sofia was the first of her siblings to arrive, her parents were already seated and were having a nice chat. "Umm M-Mom? Dad..? She called out as she approached them, fidgeting nervously and biting her lip.

"Hey Sofia! Are you okay? You're earlier than usual." King Roland commented.

"Yea...about that" she scratched the back of her neck not sure how to start. "Can I talk to you...? It's about Ever Realm Academy..." she murmured.

King Roland and Queen Miranda shared a knowing look and then motioned for Sofia to sit beside them. "You want to transfer right?" Miranda asked looking at her daughter with an understanding Gaze.

"I—No! Yes? Well I'm not sure..." she sighed. "How'd you know?" She asked.

"We noticed you've been out of it for a few months now. You don't seem as Happy as you used to be." King Roland said sadly.

Sofia looked down at the ground guiltily. "It's not that I'm not Happy...I just don't feel like I belong at Ever Realm Academy anymore...It's like there's something different missing from my life.." She explained as her parents nodded understandingly.


Sofia flinched as an all too familiar shriek echoed through the dining hall as it bounced off ever wall—-or object around.

"Amber chill!!" James who had come down at the same time as Amber and overheard what Sofia said; scolded Amber.

"No I won't chill!!" She yelled at him Angrily. "Sofia! You can't seriously be considering transferring schools!! You've come so far!" Amber practically shouted as she tried to convince her sister to stay at the Academy with her.

Sofia stayed silent refusing to meet Ambers gaze.

"Amber calm down; this is Sofia's choice. Surely you've noticed how unhappy your sister has been lately!" King Roland said trying to Reason with Amber.

"B-but Daddy!! Sofia is top of her class! She can't just quit now!!" Amber urged.

"No, dad is right Amber." James said sternly. "If Sofia isn't happy at Ever Realm Academy then she shouldn't stay there."

"Sofia...?" Amber turned to her sister her eyes pleading her sister to side with her and forget about Transferring.

"I'm sorry Amber...I just don't think I'm meant to be a Royal Advisor...I want to explore my options not just stay cooped up at the Academy until I Graduate!" She said hoping Amber would understand.

Amber frowned and turned around stomping up the stairs angrily. "I'll be missing dinner tonight" She muttered barely loud enough to be heard as she stormed off.

"Amber—-!" Sofia was cut off by James who put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head to stop her from going after Amber.

"No Sofía, not this time." He said. "This is your choice not Ambers; you can't stay at the Academy just to keep her happy."

"I...I know—-It's just I don't even know where to start- or what school I should Transfer to!" Sofia said worriedly.

"What about the Corinthian Sports School?" James suggested. "It's perfect since you enjoy sports; you like the Flying Derby, and Ice Dancing" he said emphasizing on the 'Ice Dancing.'

Sofia didn't seem to take the hint; "I dunno...I haven't done those sports in such a long time, I've been too busy trying to be a Royal Advisor..." she sighed resting her head on her hand.

"Come on I think it's a great opportunity! I know how much you still love those sports!" James encouraged.

Sofia stayed silent giving herself a minute to think. "Well...alright sure!" She said brightening up. "It'll be fun and a nice change of scenery!" She beamed clapping her hands together.

"It's settled then we'll have you transferred by next week!" Queen Miranda said happily.

Sofia nodded determined and quite excitedly. She started to plan out how she was going to train this is whole week so that she wouldn't be a burden at school and would be able to keep up with everyone. She'd make sure she was able to do any sport.

Meanwhile James smirked mischievously in the background; his plan was underway! Sure he's supposed to be the protective older brother to Sofia but...all those years back at RFA he knew she was meant to go to the Corinthian Sports school.

James thought it was the obvious choice since...well let's just say there was a certain guy who he knew had feelings for his sister and he trusted that guy to make her happy. He had been unable to tell her how he felt before they left for school and James knew their story couldn't end there~ ✨

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