a little fighter

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Haku's pov
It was a sunny morning here in the spirit world "ugh I'm guessing I've slept in again" I thought as I got out of my room to go to yubabas office. As I just arrived the door knocker speaks "ah good morning haku yubabas waiting for you" he said "thank you" I said as I bowed and the doors opened "I wander what she wants me to do today" I thought as I arrived at her office "your late" she said "I'm sorry yubaba I will make sure I'll be up on time" i explained "you said that the last time" yubaba shouts "I know and I'm sorry I just havent been sleeping well these days" I said "oh well dont matter. Anyway I got a job for you to do in the deep forest theres a little girl who is in danger i want you to find her in this forest and bring her here to me i dont think shes a human" yubaba explains "yes i will do that do you have any idea what spirit she is" I questioned "to me I think shes a dragon spirit just like you" she said as I was shocked "wait what another dragon spirit" I said speechless "yes yes yes now off you go and get her she seems to be a feisty one too but shy as well" yubaba says "alright it probably might take me all day but dont worry" I said as I ran out of yubabas office with a huge smile on my face.

As I was running I wasnt looking where I was going as I bumped into lin "hey watch where your going haku" she said as she caught me smiling still "what are you so happy about" she asks "oh umm yubaba wants me to go and rescue another dragon spirit in a forest" I smiled again as lin smirked "ohhhh I hope they're lovely but feisty" lin says yubaba tells me that it's a female shes shy but feisty" I explained "oh my God haku I so have to see this" lin says "dont worry I'll be bringing her back here its gonna take me all day but I will be back" I said "well you better get going" she said as I ran straight up into my room and turned into a dragon.

Ravens pov
"Ugh great now I'm stuck in this bloody bear trap" I thought as my dragon instincts kicked in as I transformed into a dragon "come on I need to get this off before I'll get caught" I thought while I grabbed hold of the bear trap with my teeth and try to pry it open "there finally its off" I quickly climbed up a tree and stayed still as a bunch wolves ran past "they're gone" I took a deep breath and checked my injury on my tail "that trap has gotten me good" I growled as I heard something in the bushes so I stayed still and quiet until my whiskers was dangling down from the thick branch "crap" i went to move my head as i head butted the branch above me but i kept quiet and still.

As I was still in the tree I saw something coming out of the bushes "hmm" I kept looking until I saw a white dragon head poking its head out of the bushes "oh my god it's a dragon" I thought as it looked around smelling the floor it was pure white with a turquoise dark mint green coloured mane from the back of its head all the way down to its tail it kept on circling around the tree I'm still hiding in until it looked straight at me so I kept my eyes at it and I very slowly climbed down but my claws was still on the tree I was curious but nervous so I fully came down the tree and stayed in my dragon form.

Haku's pov
As I arrived at the forest I decided to stay in my dragon form as I walked around looking for the female dragon spirit I managed to catch her scent so i began sniffing around "hmm she must be close" I thought as I kept on smelling her scent. After about 10 minutes I found some blood on the ground "she must've got caught in a trap or something" I thought as I continued to smell around it kept on going around the cherry blossom tree until I looked up and saw her from eye to eye she looked at me and got spooked but stayed still until she slowly climbed down to investigate she was still on the tree as her claws were still gripping the bark she turned her head slightly until she finally came down so I changed into my human form "hi I'm haku its alright I'm not going to hurt you" I said as she walked around me and smelled me "your so stunning" I said trying to keep her calm I noticed a injury on her tail "I'm guessing you got caught in a trap" I said as I went to slowly approach her but instead she approached me she looked relieved but upset at the same time "I'll sort that out for you" I said as I got the first aid kit out so I walked into a shady spot under a tree but as soon as I moved she wouldn't stop following me "you know your not that bad your actually adorable" I said as she rubbed her head against me her fluffy white dragon face with the green horns suits her "I'm definitely guessing you like me" I said as she growled gently "let's get you sorted and get going" I said as I cleaned the wound and patched her up "can you transform into your human form or do you rarely change" I asked as she changed into her human form "I'm always into my dragon form its just that I feel more confident and I'm so glad you dont think I'm a nasty dragon spirit oh and I'm raven" she said "dont worry I'm a dragon spirit too and thats a pretty name" I said as she smiled and hugged me "you sure are a loving person one of the workers I know will love you to bits don't worry shes lovely her name is lin" I explained as she couldnt stop smiling "I'm guessing I'm going to live with you and other spirits" She says "yes dont worry they're all nice and I'm sure they're gonna love you" I said as she struggles to move "I'm struggling to walk I got caught in a bear trap" she explained "dont worry I'll carry you in my dragon form" I said as I transformed into my dragon form "oh haku I found something that'll help us to see our way" she said as she had a lantern in her hand so she put it around my neck "let's go" she said as we left the forest.
As we arrived back lin saw us so I roared loudly "HAKUS BACK WITH THE DRAGON SPIRIT" I smiled as I landed and raven carefully got off and I transformed into my human form "everyone meet raven shes a dragon spirit once she'll get to know you all she will be happy and loving" I explained as I helped raven inside the bath house.

Ravens pov
As we got back I got greeted by everyone I felt so overwhelmed that haku helped me to feel welcomed and comfortable "hi raven I'm lin it's nice to meet you" I looked up as this young woman introduced who's called lin "it's nice to meet you too dont worry about my leg I got it caught in a bear trap" I said as I struggled "woah woah take it easy I dont think you'll be walking around for a few weeks" said haku "I think its broken" I said in pain "dont worry I'll help you treat the wound" he said as he touched my leg until I felt the pain ease "what did you do to my leg" I said "I put a healing spell on it so it'll heal the wound" he said "thank you" I said as he offered me food "here take it I bet your hhungry" i got offered a few rice balls and some dumplings "thank you they smell good" I said as I began eating until a old lady came into the canteen "oh my goodness you must be raven I'm yubaba" the old lady who's called yubaba introduced herself "yes that's correct haku was the one that helped me" I said as haku explains the situation about my injury "dont worry about that my dear take your time" she said "me and lin will look after you" said haku "thank you" I said as I finished off eating the last bit of my meal "I'm so stuffed" I said "I bet that was a lot of food" said lin "to be honest it was" I said as I went to move but haku picked me up "I'll carry you now where to" he said "let's take her to her new room" said lin as we went into the lift and went up "you'll be sharing a room with me" said lin "sweet" I said "I'll be a floor above you if you need me just either use a broom to bang on the ceiling or go outside turn into your dragon form and just roar loudly" he said "alright" I said as I yawned "let's get you to bed and you can rest" said haku as I nodded.

As we arrived to the bedroom all the girls were constantly awwing me non stop "yeah she's sweet but make her angry she'll have ya" said lin as I giggled "dont worry about me haku will beat me to it" I said jokingly as i got myself sorted "hey look at this" lin says as i transformed into my dragon form "oh my goodness haku was right your so adorable" she said as I smiled and splayed out on the balcony and took a deep sigh "I'm so happy" lin looked as I spoke "wait you can speak" she said as I nodded "that's so cool" she said as I went to sleep under the stars.

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