50. I love when you're all here. - Sierra

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Sierra, this is all your fault

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Sierra, this is all your fault.

Don't look, alright?

Is it over?

"Good morning! How'd you sleep?"

Caroline shuffles into the room in a matching pajama set with her chestnut brown hair swept back into a high ponytail as dawn spreads over the dimly lit kitchen.

Coffee flies out of my cup as I startle, then wince as the scalding beverage spills over my skin. Man, I wish I could erase Doug from my memory.

"Sorry, love. I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, no, I'm sorry," I say, hurrying to mop it up. I chuckle. "You're allowed to come into the kitchen."

A week ago, Nicholas and I took refuge here while trying to piece our lives back together after I was released from the hospital. My whole world crumbled, and for days, I felt like all I could do was stare. Stare out the window at the glistening snow, silently begging the world for a break. For life to be quiet for a while.

Hazelnut wafts through the air as Linney fills her mug. Cup pressed to her lips, she frowns slightly while sipping. "I'm not sure when you got home last night. How did Sonny take the news?"

"Really well. He encouraged me to give him a call when I feel ready to return to the workforce."

While the workday wound down yesterday, I reluctantly crept back into the Lansing Center, praying nobody else would see me, and handed in my resignation. Cool and classy as ever, my boss Sonny wished me well. When I was on high alert every day, my work suffered, but I was able to see projects through. Taking on new clients and projects seems too daunting. I need to rebuild my life before I can work on building new relationships with clientele.

Soft fur brushes the bottom of my thigh as Moira passes by on her way through the kitchen. She nimbly hops up to the bay window, her fluffy tail swishing as she surveys from her throne. Her eyes widen when the chair Linney pulls back lightly scrapes the floor. Caroline slides in, wearing an encouraging smile, and I lean in.

"He also thanked me for giving him a great intern in Lucas." I shake my head, languidly running fingertips down the smooth mug. "Luke is so clever at thinking of these innovative solutions, and he really excels at client relations. I'm so impressed."

She beams. "Me too. Especially since he's barely into his freshman year."

I stare out the window at the fresh snow falling in fat flakes, mulling over my current situation. Decisions need to be made between my husband and me: where we'll live, how our schedules might change, and frankly, how to heal. Together, so we don't fall apart.

Even though he hasn't voiced it, Nick is extremely anxious I'm going to cut and run instead of deal with it. But I won't, and I'll prove it to him. I'll make our life beautiful again.

✔️ | 💞 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 (#2, Second Chance series)Where stories live. Discover now