26. I thought you vetoed strippers. - Sierra

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A/N Surprise crossover from my other series coming up...
If you've read the series before—any hopeful guesses who?

Nicholas flinches and Brian's mouth drops open as he spots why I'm sputtering

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Nicholas flinches and Brian's mouth drops open as he spots why I'm sputtering. As I speed away, Brian is one step behind me."Whoa! Is that a stripper?"

Before I reach them, Nick firmly pushes Christina's hands away, then dramatically wipes his mouth with his forearm. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Bitch!" I spit out, yanking her arm. My grip is tight as I whirl her to face me, discovering bloodshot, glassy eyes glaring as she narrows them.

A smug smile tips up in one corner, and my limbs shake as I tighten my hold while giving her a once over, considering slugging her in the boob.

Nick mentioned once she used to do cosplay, and today she's made up like a lead in an anime drama, but she also appears haggard and dehydrated. Sallow skin stretches over her harsh features like paper mâché, garish under the florescent blinking lights shining from the other side of the bar. If I poked her, would she crumble?

Snippets of past conversations with Nick shove to the forefront of my mind. A fresh wave of nausea rolls through me, and I retract my hand, sucking in a breath. She ruined his life for months. Wrecked his self-worth to the point he turned himself inside out to beg for her approval.

Nick. Nicholas Garrett questioned everything about himself because of her narcissistic manipulation.

Music pounds overhead, mingling into the air with the smell of her sickeningly sweet perfume. My stomach flips again as I consider that she did dreadful things to him, and yet he held her, wiping away her crocodile tears. Kissed her in ways only meant for me.

Background noise swirls around me in a surreal moment of sizing up Nick's ex-girlfriend. I make sure to keep my voice steady. "Why are you here?"

She shrugs. "For Nick. Saw on Snapchat he was here so I came to help. He's obviously been brainwashed by an idiotic cheerleader skank."

Nick opens his mouth, and I wet my lips, holding up my hand to ask him to wait. He snaps it shut, clenching his jaw as his eyes blaze.

I waver between being pissed off and pitying her. For a split second, I imagine the weight of her body in my hands as I throttle her by the shoulders, flipping her backward and slamming her to the ground Mortal Kombat style. Finish him!

The next five seconds softens me. My guess is she ingested or injected something and became delusional after seeing Nick deliriously happy with somebody else. Because that's all she wants; for him to be miserable, and for me to fly off the handle.

Holding out my palms, I pretend to suck my teeth as if she's pegged me. "What did you think was going to happen? You'd Fredo kiss him at the bar and he'd follow you home?"

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