47. There's my girl. - Nick

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"Family meeting," I announce after five steps into the house

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"Family meeting," I announce after five steps into the house.

The smiles on Luke, Mike, and Ariella's faces disappear at my tone. They excitedly greeted us from where they're camped out around the kitchen island when we walked in, but now seem to realize something's off.

SiSi lays a hand on my arm to stay upright as she pulls off her shoes. I unceremoniously drop mine onto the floor as I spot my parents descending the stairs. My mom immediately wraps Sierra into a big hug, holding her head against her shoulder.

Luke glances between them and me. "What's going on?"

Everybody but me fills the sectional, and Dad settles into his armchair as I tuck my hands behind my back and pace in front of the lit fireplace. "We're moving in for a bit while we figure some things out. Sierra was cornered after work. And we learned our neighbor upstairs has been helping him figure out details."

Mike's head snaps up. "That douche with the dog?" he asks.


He looks at Luke, and they mutter something to each other, shaking their heads.

SiSi leans forward. "What?"

"We told that guy to fuck off—"


"—sorry, Mom. But it clearly didn't work. I can't believe that!"

"Me neither," Sierra says softly. She sits up straighter, hugging herself. "I'm such a fool. Trying to make a friend. And obviously, I did something to lead Doug into believing I was interested in him."

"No, sweetheart," my dad says. "None of this is your fault."

I clear my throat. "Dad's right, Sunshine. I've been there when you talked to Doug last year, and you did nothing of the sort."

"Well, you weren't there in the elevator," she mumbles. SiSi draws her knees up, rests her chin on them, and winds her arms around her legs. A vacant look clouds her eyes as she withdraws, barely moving when my mom wraps arms around her body.

"How can we help?" Ari asks from where she's sandwiched between the two boys. "What needs to be done?"

Reluctantly, I tear my gaze away from Sierra to look at Ari. I'd love to address that false belief, but we have some time-sensitive things to handle.

"Right. I need to pack some things up and get Beesly and Moira from home." And maybe jet up to the sixth floor for a second before leaving?

Sierra excuses herself to slip into the half-bathroom, and we all fall silent for a second as she pads past.

"Well, we'll help you," Luke says, getting to his feet. "Me, Mike, and Dad."

I nod and look at my mom. "Can I talk to you privately? Like, really fast before she gets back?"

✔️ | 💞 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 (#2, Second Chance series)Where stories live. Discover now