21. The first suspect is always the spouse. - Nick

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Update: Illustration at the bottom of my favorite couple.

"Dammit!" My heart hammers as I pace my office and grip my hair

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"Dammit!" My heart hammers as I pace my office and grip my hair. Head buzzing, I drum my fingertips on the windowsill and glare at the darkening sky. Was this a careless mistake on my part or was it bound to happen anyway? I have no idea, but an overwhelming urge to vomit builds in my throat.

Thankfully, as I drag myself out of the building to the parking garage, I only run into a couple of people, and they let me pass by with polite nods. I fight tears the whole way home, the lump in my throat growing.

I ghost through the lobby, greeting a cheerful John in my own monotone, then take the elevator with no real recollection. When the door to our condo clicks shut behind me, Sierra glances up from where she's curled up in leggings and a v-neck on the couch, the cat nestled in behind her head.

With one glance, she understands I'm on the verge of a tiny breakdown. I don't have the wherewithal to fake it with her.

The keys fall into the bowl with a clank as I plunk them down and push my toe against the heel of my other shoe. She shoves the bridge of her glasses up and rises to her feet. Winding her arms around my neck, she presses her face into the side.

Tears spring to my eyes at her touch and scent, and I wrap my arms around her, holding on for dear life. "What's wrong?" she murmurs.

Words fail me when I open my mouth. She nods once, and leads me to the couch by my hand, and urges me to lay my head in her lap. "Work?" she guesses.

A tear leaks from the corner of my closed eyes, and she thumbs it away before pressing light kisses to my face. "I made a bad investment," I croak out. "Somebody lost a ton of money, and my dad was so pissed."

Her tone is disbelieving. "At you?"

Fingers comb through my hair, and it's enough to tip me over the edge. My throat aches as I explain the situation; how I discovered the problem and the flash of quiet anger in my dad's eyes. How I've never seen him so disappointed in me.

Rolling to my side, I curl my legs up and fight the urge to cry freely as she cradles my head and strokes my hair. "He went to call the client right away and so I just..."

She waits, but I don't have the words.

"Oh, sweetheart, how could you have known? It's going to be okay."

I cling to her sweet tone and tighten my hold. "Honey, I don't know if I can do this."

"Well, you don't have to."

At her answer, I crack my eyes open, finding her eyes filled with gentle concern, eyebrows pinched together. I swallow the lump in my throat because her words and support are everything. "You're so sweet, babe, thank you."

"Do you want dinner?"

"I don't know; I'm still a little queasy."

Her eyes light up. "Oh! I know what to do, get your shoes on."

✔️ | 💞 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 (#2, Second Chance series)Where stories live. Discover now