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I woke up with a bright smile on my face thinking about yesterday's events.

The kiss! Or should I say the kisses.

It was a memorable night. I've kissed a few guys before but it was nothing like that with Calvin. It was magical like they show in those romantic movies with a sensual song playing in the background but everything else is a blur. Everything just happens in the moment and they are unable to think straight. It was just like that. I was reliving all those moments in my mind when the sound of a text pulled me to the reality. I took my phone from the bedside table to see a text from Emma from 2 hours ago and the one I just received was from Calvin. I opened Calvin's first because I was curious to know what he had to say after yesterday's events. My cheeks heated a bit while reading his message.

'Good morning beautiful ❤️. Sleep well?'

I was blushing while typing a reply. 

'Good morning handsome😘. I did. You?'

'As well as I could without you by my side.' He replied.

I was crimson red at this point and heat was radiating from my cheeks. While I was thinking what to reply to that another of his text came through.

'Meet me at the reception in an hour.'


I got up to get ready for breakfast. I also had to pack my things because we had to leave for the airport immediately after breakfast. LA is great but I really missed New York. And also Emma.

Oh shit Emma.

I almost forgot Emma's text. She would've killed me if she knew I forgot her because of Calvin. I opened her text, it said.

'Miss you bitch. Take your eyes off that handsome creature and miss me too🙄. Call or message when you see this.'

I wanted to call her and tell her all about Calvin and me but I would miss her comical expressions so I saved it for later. She would be mad at me for not telling her straightaway but I could handle that for the fun it would be to tell her that to her face. I was excited to go back to New York. I typed out a reply to her quickly.

'I miss your lazy ass too. I'll be back soon. We have a flight after breakfast. Don't worry my eyes are occupied with all the other handsome creatures out here. Feeling bad for you🤭'

I didn't wait for her reply and went to get ready. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth and got dressed in a long floral light blue maxi dress with a slit on the left which reached upto my mid thigh. I paired it with nude ankle heels, a brown belt and minimal gold jewellery. I kept my makeup minimal with just a nude lipstick and a blue eyeliner and kept my hair down.

I packed all my clothes in suitcases, the toiletries in a bag and my makeup separately. I kept my charger and phone in my handbag and took a final look around the room to check if I left something. Then I kept all my luggage in the corner for the staff to bring down later. I went to the reception desk and checked out if my room and told them to bring the luggage down later.

I was waiting for Calvin in the lounge section when someone familiar approached me with a smile on his face. I tried hard to put a name to the face but I couldn't remember. I remember meeting him at the beach and playing volleyball with them.

" Hey Sophia. Remember me, Terry."

" Oh hi Terry. Ofcourse we played volleyball together." I lied so as to avoid the embarrassment.

" You look beautiful today." He eyed me from head to toe which was a little uncomfortable.

" Thanks Terry. You also look good." I forced a smile.

" Thank you. I was thinking if you would like to join me for dinner sometime." He was a little nervous and laughing awkwardly.

I was going to let him down easy by saying that I was leaving today but before I could say anything a strong arm circled my waist and pulled me against a hard body. I knew before looking that it was Calvin. His touch was gentle but firm. He was looking pissed and if I didn't knew better I would've thought that he was jealous of me talking to him. He masked his expressions well and offered his hand for a handshake.

" Hi I'm Calvin, Sophia's boyfriend." My eyes grew wide listening to what he just said. We haven't discussed what we are to each other yet but thinking of him as my boyfriend was absolutefuckingly awesome.

I'm his girlfriend.

I blushed at that. Terry was taken aback by Calvin's introduction just like me but introduced himself nevertheless. There was a short awkward pause before I replied to Terry.

" I would've loved to have dinner with you but we are leaving today."

I put a sad expression but in reality I didn't want to go anywhere with him. His presence and behaviour always made me a little uncomfortable.

" It's okay. It was nice to have you here. Bye."

We bid our farewell and went to a cafe nearby for breakfast. Calvin held my hand in his and a warmth spread through my chest. It fit like it belonged there. We went inside and sat on a corner booth. A waitress came and took our orders. A silence fell through us before Calvin spoke up.

" You look gorgeous today." He flashed his handsome smile at me and I took this moment to appreciate his outfit. He looked extremely handsome in casual clothes and was smelling great.

" You look good too." After a beat I added. " Should we discuss about yesterday now?"

" What's there to discuss, I kissed you because I wanted to and you kissed me back because you couldn't resist my charms." He replied with a taunting smirk on his face.

" It's becomes a bit clear when you put it like that." I replied with a smile of my own. And add " But we still have to discuss how will it be at work."

" I'll just announce to everyone that we are dating and you're my girlfriend."

" It's not that simple. I can't date you openly. Isn't that a rule in the company's guideline?"

" I'm the CEO of the company. I can do anything. By the way, there's no such rule, it's just frowned upon."

" That's good to hear." I replied sarcastically.

" Don't wear Soph. I'm the CEO and you're with me now, no one will dare to say a thing to you about this."

" Yeah, but I don't think we should make this information public. I don't want to be known as the 'girl who's fucking the boss'. And believe me I trust your intentions, but with your reputation everyone will think that we're just fucking each other and I'm doing it to keep my job or to get a raise."

"I'm happy with it if you're. But believe me when I say that I really want to know you and have a relationship with you. It's not just about sleeping with you. I really want to work my issues and have a real relationship with you."

" I believe you Calvin, I really do. I really want to make this work. But in private. We have to keep our distance in public or atleast during office hours."

" It won't it easy to keep my hands off your sexy body but I'll try." He winked at me.

I just blushed at his blatant flirting.

Our food came soon and we dig in. After our breakfast, we went to the airport for our flight.

I'll definitely miss you LA. You gave me something I never thought I’d have. You’ll be cherished.

New York, see you soon.

So what do you guys think about this chapter? Will they be able to maintain a 'private' relationship when they can't even keep their hands off each other? Or will they just give in without a care in the world? Well you'll have to wait to get the answers. More steamy scenes🔥coming ahead. Stay tuned.

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