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I was standing still in the kitchen and was terrified to go check in my room. Angry Calvin is frightening. I waited in the kitchen for sometime and went back with two cups of coffee in my hands. I entered the room and Calvin was sitting on my bed with his head held in his hands. The vase that was previously sitting on my bedside table was now lying on the floor, broken in a thousand pieces. I treaded lightly into the room careful to the broken pieces and sat beside him on the bed. I offered him a cup and he accepted it without saying anything. He must have one hell of a headache right now.

So, I went to the washroom and fetched a bottle of aspirin from the cabinet and gave him two tablets. He offered a small thank you and took them. We just stayed silent. I didn't know how to start explaining. I had to test the waters before I spoke anything. He didn't look angry though, just a bit hungover and a little mad. Which he had the right to be. I just left him like that. He opened up to me about his insecurities and told me about his father's betrayal and I did the same to him. I felt horrible about myself right now.

But I couldn't think straight after what happened to me. I hope he understands my side of the situation too. I was forming my thoughts into words when Calvin spoke in a small voice.

" Why did you do this to me? "

I didn't say anything. I was afraid I'll make it worse by opening my mouth. The guilt of hurting him that badly was also pulling me down.

" Why did you leave me after you assured me you wouldn't? I want answers Soph. It's the least you could do for me now. "

It hurt. It hurt really bad hearing all those things from him of all the people. It was never my intention to hurt him. I was just protecting myself from being hurt but ended up hurting the only man I loved.

Heavy tears filled up my eyes and my throat closed up. I couldn't control the dam that opened. I started crying bitterly and Calvin wrapped his arms around me and held me until I calmed down. I appreciated his gesture. He comforted me and kept his anger aside.

I had hope he still cares for me and would understand me. I got out his embrace and sat straight facing him. It was time to spill everything.

I told him everything about yesterday in detail. From that insulting note to the judgemental glances I received from my co-workers. I reasoned with him about why I had to resign immediately. I couldn't stay there for another minute. I could only hope for him to forgive me.

He was silent for a painfully long time. He was in deep thought, a series of emotions flashing through his features.

After taking everything I said, he looked apologetic and said

" I'm really sorry Sophia, you had to go through all that because of me. I promise I won't hurt you again. Please forgive me for that. All this time I was thinking that you left me but I didn't think that you had to leave to protect yourself. God I'm such an asshole."

" It's okay Calvin. Don't beat yourself for it. It was a misunderstanding. But I'm gald we cleared it."

" You're really sweet Soph. But I promise I'll fire Alex if it was him who wrote that note and spread that rumour in the office. God help me or so I'll kill that bastard with my bare fucking hands."

Calvin was very infuriated and although I liked this caveman side of him, I had to stop him from doing anything irrational.

" Calm down Calvin. You won't do anything like that and you'll definitely not use your hands this time. That very thing got us in this situation in the first place. You need to keep your calm and think straight. We are not sure that it was Alex, though there is a greater possibility of him being the culprit. He knows it and he also had a motive. But maybe someone else had seen us together. Maybe leaving or arriving at the office together or maybe outside of office. So we shouldn't blame anyone right now. Plus there's no benefit in finding out who did it, either way I'm not coming back to work."

" No Sophia, don't say that. I assure you the culprit will be found and rightly punished. You deserve to work there and I promise no one will say anything to you. We'll make it public that we are in a serious relationship with each other and then no one will dare bat an eye at you. "

" Enough damage is done now. I can't go back to that place. Even if nobody says anything, they'll think that I landed this job by sleeping with you and that's not the reputation I want to live with. I'm really sorry Calvin I wish I could but I can't. "

Calvin expressions were so sad as if I said no icecream to a kid. His sullen expression put me in a sad mood. But he didn't give up trying to convince me.

" We'll see about your coming back to work or not. This discussion is not over yet. But I want to know are you leaving me too?”

His face was showing raw emotions. He was wearing his heart on his sleeve. He was so vulnerable and my heart broke on seeing that.

How could he think that? How can I ever do that? I love him.

I leapt at him and kissed him with a burning need. He kissed me back after a beat.

" I would never that to you Calvin. I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. I love you Calvin."

Calvin was shocked, even I was shocked. I confessed my feelings so easily but it felt good. Maybe Calvin didn't feel the same for me.

" It's okay if you don't say it back. Just say it when you're ready."

Calvin gave me a nod, kissed me and spoke " I love you too Sophia. I did from the first day I saw you just didn't realise it sooner."

After that we kissed and made love to each other all day.

Finally, they confessed their burning love for each other. What do you guys think about this chapter? Please follow our book and show us support. Keep reading ❤️.

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