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We were just few minutes away from landing. I could see all the buildings including CN tower from my window seat. Ahh! It feels good be back in my city. We had a great breakfast and now I’m so full that I could really throw up. Someone needs to control me when I’m eating. Calvin was working on his laptop while I was preparing myself for the landing.

Soon we touched down and were all ready to exit the airport after the formalities. I couldn’t wait anymore to go back to home. It’s been few months since I came back home. There was a car waiting outside for us. Damn! This man has got connections everywhere.

“Is there any place where people don’t know you, Mr. Smith?” I asked.

“There might be but I think my girlfriend’s birth place should not be one of them. It’s important to have a good image out there.” He replied. Cocky.

“Yeah, you’re right.” I rolled my eyes at him.

My parents had a great home in Toronto. I spent my whole childhood here and sometimes for summer I went over to my grandparents who lived in Brampton.

I was very excited to show Calvin everything here. But first I wanted him to spend time with my family.

Finally we reached my place. I ran through the porch to ring the bell. My mother opened the door and she screamed out my name with a smile on her face and I hugged her tightly. 

“My little baby.” My father came from behind.

“Dad, how are you? I missed you guys so much.” I was thrilled. And I honestly forgot about Calvin for a second there.

“And you must be Calvin.” My mother spoke. I was instantly reminded of him being beside me.

“Yes. This is Calvin Smith. And Calvin , they are my parents Daniel and Jennifer.” I introduced them to each other.

“Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs. Brown.” Calvin was way too formal. And shy. Didn’t know he could be shy.

“Oh dear! Call me Jennifer.” My mother told him.

“That might not be necessary.” My dad interrupted her.

“Dad, lighten up.” I said.

“Just kidding Soph.” Dad said. Ahh thank god.

“Come on inside.”

After talking to my parents Calvin and I went to take some rest after our long flight. They set my room for us to stay there. Although my bed wasn’t that big but that’d be okay for us. We’ll have more room for cuddling. Calvin really liked my room. He was curiously seeing all my pictures for yearbook and asking me about them.

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