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I held on to the desk trying to compose myself. I washed my face and cleaned up in the adjoining washroom in my office. I couldn’t process what all just had happened.

How can she just go like that? Did someone said something to her? Why didn’t she just tell me? What could be the reason? All these questions came storming in my mind. I was angry at her but couldn’t stop thinking about what actually happened.

The way Sophia left it just brought back those memories when my father left us for that bimbo. Is that why she left me, for another man? Noo, my Sophia would never leave me for someone. But then what is it? I need to talk to her. But what if she doesn’t wanna see me. Calm the fuck down.

I don’t care what see thinks. I wanna talk to her. This is not how you leave someone. I’m gonna go over to her apartment right now.

Just when I was about to open my office door some girl from my company came from another side.

“Good evening Sir. I was coming here to tell you about the meeting. But looks like you were already coming.” She said.

“What meeting?” I asked.

“The meeting with the European businessmen which is gonna held in manhattan at 8:00. It was kinda important as you know.”


“I’m sorry if you were not informed but the guys really need you. But if you want I can get it cancelled.” She spoke.

“Okay. I’ll attend it.” I said half heartedly.

I headed to Manhattan but I didn’t drive because I was too exhausted from all the thoughts about Sophia.

After the meeting the other businessmen forced me to drink with them. I didn’t want to drink because I knew once I started with I’d drown my sorrows and drink till no end. This is what my future would be without Sophia.

I was drinking like a fish. I couldn’t feel myself by now. I want go to her right now. I wanna know what I did wrong to her. With this I got up my seat threw a few hundreds at the bar table and walked towards my car.


After eating my food which Emma made and then forcefully made me eat I moved over to my bed in shorts and slid the covers on me. I just couldn’t stop thinking about day. Mainly about Calvin. He must have read the letter by now. How did he react to it? Did I take the decision impromptu? All these thoughts rushing to mind. And I couldn’t sleep. Should I call him and tell him? No. I am angry at him. But I love him. He did that to alex because he cared about me. It maybe extra but this is how it is and I need to accept this. So it’s done. I’m going down there tomorrow to meet him and tell him everything. I can’t leave him when I assured him that I won’t leave him. He’s difficult, but he’s mine to deal with.

With this I forces myself to sleep when I heard someone buzz the door bell. I got up to see who it was before Emma wakes up. She has a long day tomorrow. 

I walked towards the door.

I opened the door with one hand with pepper spray in another hand. As I opened the door my heart plummeted to the ground. It was Calvin. A drunk Calvin with dopey eyes. What has he done to himself? His hair all messed up. His shirt tucked out and crumpled. Where was he?

“God, Calvin what happened?” I asked.


“Calvin, come here.” I put his hand on my shoulder and my hand moved to his waist and walked him to my room. He was saying something but his words were slurred so I couldn’t understand it. But I knew it was related to the letter. 

I dragged him to bed sat him there and then removed his shoes.

“Don’t touch...theeeemm.” Soph.....iaa.” Calvin’s words mumbled.

I didn’t say anything. And kept on removing his shoes and then put him to bed. He was still speaking something but I didn’t wanna reply because anything I’d say right now wouldn’t matter.

He was asleep now. But the way I saw him just broke my heart. He can be so vulnerable but at the same time so intimidating. How do you do this Mr. Smith. How can I love you so much everyday. That it consumes me.

I laid next to him watching him when I thought I’d never see him again. I mean I knew I’d talk to him but this. Him lying next to me. Just wow. I could feel the warmness when he was near me. Every time.

I closes my eyes trying to get some sleep before Calvin wakes up and I’ll have to explain him everything.

I woke up in Calvin’s arms. The best place. But for how long? I was sad. I don’t want just a day with Calvin I want every fucking day with him. But I had no idea to what will Calvin say or do now. May be he came here because he was drunk. But he said that I was the reason he was drunk.

I couldn’t stop myself but adore his beautiful face. I got up from my bed cleaned up myself and went over to kitchen to make coffee for him as he might be hungover. And then talk to him about everything.

Let’s see in what mood he actually wakes up. I can keep making my plans but it all depends on Calvin eventually.

What the fuck was that. Did something just fall down in my room. Fuck, it must be Calvin. Is he angry?

Hey Everyone. Hope you guys are doing great. Comment your views about this chapter and also what do you think Calvin’s gonna do next? Well to know that you need to read the next chapter. Keep loving our book ❤️

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