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I got back to my apartment after we had our dinner together. We may have sought things out but on the inside, I’m still worried about my reputation. Calvin is more than important and above everything but my reputation and self respect is something I can never ignore. I understand that he wants to make our relationship public but at the same time he is doing all this for me. I don’t want people to think that this is how I got my job.

Emma called me out and started talking about her day.

“Soph, you know me and Michele had breakfast together today. And it was so good. I’ve never had breakfast with a guy I’ve slept with. This was so good." Emma said.

“Look at you. Aren’t you falling for him,now?” I said putting my thoughts away.

“That’s what I’m worried about. I don’t want to fall for someone who doesn’t feel the same way for me. It’s heartbreaking.” Emma stated.

“You go get them girl.” I said in mocking tone trying to lighten her mood.

“Yeah. Not every one is that lucky.”

“Well, it comes with its own downsides.” I said.

“Okay but did that sound like it had some backstory.”

“Because, it has?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“What what??” Emma asked desperately.

“So Calvin came to my apartment last night for some reason and he stayed the night. The next morning we went together to work. I was not comfortable on going with him to work as I thought people would think about us and then think about me as job slut. But then Calvin convinced me and so on.”

“Then what happened?" Emma asked.

“Somebody at work asked me out. And just when I was about to say no to the guy, he was punched by Calvin out of nowhere.”

“Woah. Honestly, that might initiate some rumour.” Emma blurted.

“I know. And that’s what I am scared about. I was angry on Calvin when he said he was being overprotective. But Emma I’m really scared about it.”

“Don’t give so much thought Sophia. Just go with the flow. Let’s order chinese now. I’m hungry.” Emma said.

“I have eaten already.” I said

“Soph, you’re always hungry. Come on. Just accompany me.”



I woke up to a beautiful sunrise in Sophia’s apartment. She leaned down to kiss me and then tried to get up but I pulled her to myself. I wanna wake up to this every day.

After we had a shower together, Sophia changed to formals while I was still wearing my night clothes as I didn’t bring over any of my clothes. So we decided to swing by my house to change and eat breakfast at a place near my apartment which sells the best waffles.

Sophia was hesitant on us going together to work but honestly I wanted to show people that she’s mine and I really wanted to make our relationship public because she was the best thing that ever happened to me. But as per Sophia’s wish I had to keep it low.

After we reached office, Sophia went to her desk while I had to work on some things with the marketing team. It was lunch time but I wasn’t that hungry so I thought I’ll grab a coffee. I called Sophia’s desk to get me coffee but she didn’t pick up. So I thought I’ll grab it myself and look for Sophia too as I had some work to give to her.

As I headed towards the cafeteria I saw Sophia standing and talking to some guy. I was walking towards them and then I heard them talking. But what I heard next blew up my mind. That freaking moron was asking out Sophia on a date. What the actual fuck. I didn’t wait for Sophia to say anything. Because I knew she is too good to people and was looking out for some sober way to get out of this. But I was too angry to control myself. I smacked that fucking face of his with all that I had. Sophia was scared now but I was so enraged to see that.

A little while later Sophia came to my room and she was scary right now. I am gonna die.

Sophia was all angry but I tried to keep her calm by telling her my side which got her a little more angry.

But we solved everything and now everything was normal.

I dropped her home after we had dinner. We both had a wrap. I went back to my apartment.


I was driving my car while I heard Sophia’s messages about the important meetings I got today.

As I reached my office I didn’t see Sophia neither on her desk nor in my office. So I thought may be she had somethings to do.

I had four meeting back to back today so I couldn’t call her but I tried to leave a message. I wanted Sophia to attend these meetings with me so that she’ll learn new things. But she was nowhere to be seen. I got free around five in the evening. The meetings went okay as I wasn’t in my mood at all as Sophia’s absence was affecting me. So I went back to my office and called her again but she wasn’t picking up her phone. While I was calling her, suddenly I saw a letter with RESIGNATION written on it.

I picked up the letter from the desk and began to read it. It was none other than Sophia’s. How can she do this to me. What the fuck. She told me she’ll never leave me. I fucking loved her. I loved her so much.

Tears rolled down my face. No no.

I can’t. She can’t leave me like this. I’ll get her back. I love her and I know she loves me too. But what happened that she had to take such a big step. I am gonna bring her back to me. She’s mine now and forever. Don’t you dare Sophia leave me like that.

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