Chapter 1: The Strawhat Crew

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"It's not fair that you get to have Y/n-swan! A lady like that shouldn't be in the hands of someone as rough as you!" Sanji complained to his unbothered captain.

Luffy just stuck his tongue out at him which earned a kick on the head.

I laughed at the interaction, my lips subconsciously ending in a permanent soft smile.

Oh, I wish I could have a life like theirs.

"Seriously though, I cant wait to go shopping! I wish I could afford a dress like that Y/n!" Nami ogled at my dress and I swear I saw the Belly sign in her eyes.

I smiled crookedly looking down at the dress. "Ah, you think? I don't really like it. It's not very convenient for moving around and stuff."

"Oi! Come on! Lets go!" Luffy grabbed my wrist dragging me out of the conversation and to lord knows where.

"You idiot! Be careful with the princess!"

Luffy stuck his tongue out once more before turning around and grinning at me.


Now I have no idea how long we've been wondering around but I know it's been too long. Father will start to get upset so I better wrap this up.

"Hey Luffy, I have something I wanna show you!" I smiled warmly at him before gesturing him to follow me.


I brought him up a hill and through some trees. Truth be told I use this as a distraction for my prey, but this is still my favorite view of the kingdom.

After pushing past another bush we get to a clearing that led to a view of the entire kingdom.

"Woah!" Luffy yelled in excitement as he jumped in front of me looking over the edge with stars in his eyes.

I smiled at his reaction before turning to the view, pride filling up within me. "This is the best view Sinthaya has to offer and only you and I know of it."

He seemed so happy and excited that I almost couldn't bring myself to do it, but orders are orders.

A frown replaced my smile as I slowly approached the happy-go-lucky boy. "Luffy." I spoke out in a soft tone as if I was trying to make sure he knew I wasn't gonna hurt him.

"Yeah?" He spoke out in a joyful tone, not even bothering to look back at me.

I got close enough to him to the point where his shoulder was in front of mine as I stood by his side. I placed my hand gently on his shoulder and leaned closer to his ear.





"Huh? Sleep?" He tore his view from the gaze as he looked at me in confusion. "Why would I go to sleep? I'm not tired! Although I am hungry!"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I stared at his wide grin.

Surely I would have sensed it if he was that devil fruit should've worked.

I snapped out of my daze, trying to keep my composure. "Sorry I just meant that it's getting a little dark and I'm tired. I'm gonna head back to the palace, you're free to follow me if you want!"

I gave him a polite smile, ignoring the relief filling inside me.

"Hey Y/n..."

I tilted my head in curiosity as he called my name, a wave of seriousness uncharacteristically emitted from him.

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