Chapter 37: Live

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Warning: mentions of deleting one's existence from the earth


I sat with my mouth agape as I watched the fight in awe, feeling privileged to have front row seat tickets to a show like this.

Luffy has always been strong, but now he had strength and speed. He put their Shave to shame as he moved quickly and efficiently, landing blow after blow on the startled and confused CP9 member.

My captains raw strength and newly formed technique complimented each other so well it almost seemed unfair. I leaned forward onto my hands a bit more as I was now on my knees as if being in this position would help me see the already clear fight better.

No wonder my devil fruit wouldn't work on him. He's a monster!

When Blueno disappeared to collect his thoughts and compose himself, I took this time to call out to the boy, "L-Luffy! What the heck is this?!" I stared at him flabbergasted as I pointed towards him accusingly.

His previous serious face shifted into a more comfortable smiling expression, "It's my new technique!"

I facepalmed, not understanding the boy's existence, "Well, I know that! I mean!? Like what even-?! How does this-?! Why?!"

He tilted his head with a small chuckle, "You're not making any sense, Y/n!"

I froze and scrambled back to my spot with pink, warm cheeks as I looked away, "Says you..."

Luffy tore his attention away from me when Blueno's door appeared again, this time above him. He easily moved away before Blueno could grab a hold of him.

"I watched you while you were doing that move. I got the hang of it too. I'm glad there's a technique like that and I'm glad I was able to meet you here," Luffy held a sincere grateful smile, not patronizing the other man in any way, "Now I can continue to protect my friends."

I watched in admiration as he talked to Blueno. I had always considered, and reference to, Luffy as a boy because that's what he seemed to me. He was a young aspiring boy who had big dreams and an even bigger heart. Immature and naive, but in the best ways.

A man was more of a guy like Zoro. More mature and sophisticated. Someone who takes on responsibilities and adheres to his duties.

In my eyes, Luffy was just a goofy boy who was still growing and experiencing new stuff.

But I guess that isn't the case.

I think a part of me always knew Luffy was more than that. A part of me always acknowledged him as a man, but the other part didn't want to because it was nice to have someone loose, carefree, and energetically stupid in your life.

Nevertheless, the signs were all there: how he handled things at Water 7 with Usopp or when the incident with Aokiji happened, when it comes to important decisions, judgment of character, being captain, and even right now.

Every single step and decision Luffy had made has put us in the right track. He isn't just a boy and he never was. Maybe he wasn't as serious and sophisticated as Zoro, but his sophistication is one that Zoro will never have.

I admired him so much it almost felt like envy.

I With one final punch, Luffy had delivered the last blow and Blueno fell to the ground, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he stayed unconscious.

"I'm exhausted..." Luffy sighed as he pushed his hat further onto his head, "As I thought, my body can't keep up with it yet. Not that I care about my body."

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