Chapter 66: The Auction

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I sighed heavily as my hand rested on my forehead after realizing that I had lost Zoro again. I stood in the middle of a few trees and he had disappeared in the middle of us arguing about which tree number our ship was at. He swore up and down that it was #1 and he probably wondered off to find that number tree which makes everything 100 times worse.

"Y/n!" I hear Luffy's voice from the right of me coming closer and as I squint my eyes I see him on a flying fish headed straight towards me, "We gotta get to Grove #1 and fast! I'll explain later!" Without giving me time to think he stretches his arm and grabs me, throwing me on the fish with him.

I collide with his body, my head hitting his chest. It was moments like these where I was grateful that he was rubber. I rubbed my head, "Jesus, Luffy. A little warning next time?" But when I looked up at him he was just smiling down at me happily, holding my arms firmly yet gently.

"Come on! We gotta find Zoro! Everyone else is waiting!"

"What's happening? Why's everyone waiting?"

Immediately his energy changed and I could feel a slight chill down my spine as his face dropped and his fists clenched, "Someone kidnapped Camie."

That was all he had to say to make me understand the situation as I shut up for the rest of the ride even after we found Zoro. We flew full speed ahead towards the auction center and by full speed I mean full speed. We couldn't stop.

"Luffy..." I spoke his name once with uncertainty, but he didn't budge. We were about 20 feet away from the auction center and there were no signs of slowing down, "Luffy!" And finally at 5 feet away I accepted my fate and pushed myself against Luffy's back to soften the blow, "God damn it, Luffy!"

And within seconds we had crashed into the auction center, flying through the walls and landing in a heap of smoke and dust.

"Couldn't you have landed it better?!"

"No! It's a flying fish! And besides, you told me to run into it!"

"You told me 'just get on'...why are you guys in such a hurry to get back to Sunny? And where the fuck are we?"

I stayed laying down on the probably dead fish, my head resting on the seat as I internally cried at the intelectual capacity of the two guys, "Why me?" I sighed, again, and got up from my spot as the dust and smoke cleared, running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Zoro and Y/n too?"

From the sound of the rest of my crew, I looked over and smiled at them before it instantly dropped as I see Camie from the corner of my eye in a giant fishbowl crying. Luffy seemed to have noticed it too before running down the stairs yelling out her name. Camie looked relieved, but Hatchi on the other hand looked terrified. He tried to run after Luffy and stop him, but the sounds of the crowds disgust towards him because of his species made him stop in his tracks.

My eyebrows furrowed in anger at the people around us. The snobby, entitled, shallow rich people who think they're better than everyone else. Throwing their number signs from the auction at Hatchi and telling him horrible things. My eyes catch Charloss standing up and pulling out his gun, but instead of aiming towards Luffy he looks over towards Hatchi. I go to stop him, my mouth opening to call out to him and my foot taking a step, but my knee feels like giving out and I almost fall over making me choke on my words.

With no one to stop him, Charloss places a bullet in Hatchi's chest making Luffy stop in his tracks and everyone with me, including Camie, stare in horror. Charloss began dancing around, smiling and cheering about how he shot a Fishman, about how he gets to keep 'it'.

I let out an empty chuckle as I spoke out in low, venomous voice, "Zoro."


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