Chapter 55: The Value of Human Life

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Somewhere along the way we got seperated from Sanji and Usopp so now it was just me, Robin, Chopper, and Luffy. When we got to Morias room though—where Luffy and I were held in the cage—the only people who were there was Hogback and some zombies.

My eyes shifted over to the small dog since the one holding the two swords were obviously Zoro's zombie. An excited smirk sprawls itself across my lips as I take out my scythe.

"Which one should we take out first?" Zombie Zoro asked Zombie Sanji in which the old dog said Chopper should be the first to go.

Right when Zombie Sanji dashed at Chopper I jumped in and blocked the kick with my scythe, forcing him back.

"Who's this bastard?" The old dog looked at me with an irritated look as I turned to Chopper and Robin silently telling them that I had Zombie Sanji and to deal with Zombie Zoro.

They nodded gratefully and when I turned back to the zombie I had to quickly duck before it's kick took off my head. I let out a sound of relief as I jumped back to avoid a kick to the stomach. The style was clearly Sanji's which made it more and more exciting.

My disguise seemed like it was working becuase Zombie Sanji did not hold back. And for the first time ever after being on this crew, I've come to appreciate how truly strong Sanji is. His kicks had brute strength behind them, sending me a few feet back every time I blocked his attacks and if he did land a kick on me I had to flex so that the most he could do was bruise me and not break anything.

A new found respect for Sanji surfaced as I was genuinely impressed with not only how strong he was, but also his form, his movement, and the way he was attacking but also wasn't lacking in defense. Besides the little openings every now and then, his technique was perfect. He was agile and quick on his feet, ready to bounce back and attack one more, but also quick to block or dodge an attack.

After blocking and sending my own attacks every now and then, he finally managed to knock the scythe out of my hands which honestly was fine. From here on out it was a martial arts battle, strictly hand to hand combat—or rather hand to foot combat. I used all the skills I was taught by some of the best generals in Sinthaya while adding my own twist.

I won't lie, with him being more mobile and agile as me, it was hard to keep up, but my reactions were quick enough to not sustain as much damage as a normal person would.

"You're not half bad," Zombie Sanji jumped a few feet away from me as he looked at me while shaking his legs out, "What's your name bastard?"

I didn't answer him though since I didn't want to blow my cover, but I did chuckle under my breath as I found it amusing hearing that kinda talk from Sanji's persona. The dog penguin charged at me again, this time with more speed and strength behind his moves.

I had difficulty blocking and dodging consistently as his hits started to land more often. I grind my teeth as another kick is sent to my back and I have to stop myself from completely falling and injuring myself.

But I wasn't satisfied being completely on defense. In the small moment that he took a break, I immediately jumped at the opening. I sent a kick to his face and when he blocked it I faked kicking with my other leg before instantly rebounding on it and kicking with the same leg I used in the beginning. He got caught off guard and flew back, coughing a little.

He got ticked off and went to attack before he saw Robin about to purify Zombie Zoro. He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he looked at our archeologists, "You're a troublesome one."

I watched as Zombie Sanji switched his target, running towards Robin with a merciless look.

"No don't! She's a lady!" Chopper yelled out to Zombie Sanji in an attempt to stop her, but he clearly didn't care.

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