Chapter 19: Cold, Hard Reality

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"That's a lot of pirate ships," My hand goes to my forehead in a saluting position as I narrowed my eyes as if it would help me see better. I was still impressed and excited after seeing that a sniper somewhere on this island was able to accurately shoot down those birds that flew above our ship not too long ago.

"Jaya is a lawless island, so it only makes sense. I remember hearing about it before, though I've never been."

I hummed with amusement at Robin's words as I wondered what kind of people I'd meet there, excitedly going to grab my bag so I could explore once we got off.

"Alright, our main objective is to find information on the island in the sky and to restock, got it?" Nami spoke in a stern tone to everyone, ordering them to not cause any trouble and to promise not to get into any fights.

We pulled up to the dock and tied the Going Merry, making sure it was secure as the waves washed up against it causing the wooden ship to sway a little.

"Nami, would you mind if I went exploring on my own? I promise I won't cause any trouble!" I smiled at her reassuringly as I adjusted my bag on my shoulder.

Nami turned to me and nodded with a confident smile, "It's not you I worry about, it's these two idiots." Her expression immediately growing irritated as she threw her thumb over her shoulder, pointing at the two monsters of the crew.

A small laugh escapes my lips as I give her a weak, sympathetic smile, "Yeah, that makes sense. I wish you luck, Nami!"

She dipped her head with determination before spinning on her heel and grabbing Zoro and Luffy by the ears as she made them swear to not get into any fights.

I could tell there were stars in my eyes as I looked at the lively island in awe. All kinds  of different pirates and merchants gathered on one island, some seeming like they come here often. It was nice, it reminded me of those guilds I'd read in fantasy books where mages and parties gather to get a quest.

I used what little money I had to buy some new journals—as the one I had was getting full—along with some Ink and feather to write with and other basic necessities.

My shoes hit against the concrete as chattering filled my ears along with a cool breeze and the sun hitting my face. My attention was quickly stolen as I was pulled into an alley way, the weird part being that the culprit was way to gentle with me to be a mugger.

My head whipped to the hooded figure that was panting as I narrowed my eyes in suspicion with my hand on a dagger stored under my clothing, "Who are you?"

"Oh!" The hooded figure with a vaguely familiar voice seemed to snap out of their fatigue as they perked up at my voice. They immediately pulled down their hood revealing a, sadly, familiar face.

"Maki?!" My hand quickly left its place on my dagger as I searched my brain for any logical reasons as to why my old personal maid was here. "What are you doing here?!"

"I've been looking for you! I realized that I didn't have any way to contact you so I came to search for you, but I ended up stopping here to stock up. God seemed to be on my side because here you are! What a coincidence!"

I shook my head at her explanation, still flabbergasted, "No, Maki. Why are you looking for me in the first place? Why aren't you safely at Sinthaya?! Are you crazy?!"

Maki's eyes widened before they darkened, her expression and demeanor falling, "Princess Y/n, it's bad."

"What do you mean?" All the anxiety that I had finally gotten rid of came rushing back as my shoulders and body tensed up.

"I was doing my daily chores and," The brunette maid clenched her cloak as she bit her lip. "I overheard his majesty and the King of Jigao discussing and plotting together."

𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓽 (one piece x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora