Chapter 40: Reunited

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I didn't look at the old woman since she was changing. I don't know, something about looking at an old woman putting on pants was not something I felt like seeing...instead I found towels and started to offer them to my crew mates. They all were gasping for air as they complained about Kokoro being a mermaid.

"Are you okay, Usopp?"

He jumped at my sudden presence and put his hands up in defense before relaxing once he saw it was me, "A-Ah! Yes! Just a little wet is all!"

I chuckled slightly at the fake confidence, but played into it anyways, "Here, so you don't catch a cold."

Usopp took the towel with his head lowered slightly as he thanked me before wiping himself dry, prioritizing his hair
and then eventually drying everything else off. A smile crept on my face as I noted the unique habit of his before walking over to Sanji.

"Sanji?" I called out to him with a tilt of my head and he whipped his head around to look at me with a big smile. I returned his smile and crouched down to his level, "Sorry about leaving you back then. How are your injuries?"

His eyebrows raised before he smiled and waved the question off, "Don't worry about me! I'm okay thanks to you, Y/n!" Sanji's happy energy seemed to falter a little before he scratched his head with his pointer finger and a crooked smile possessed his previous grin, "Um...about what you said though..."

I shook my head, my smile never leaving my lips as I grabbed his hand and placed the towel in it, "Lets talk about it once we get out of here, okay?"

His eyes seemed to linger on his hands for a little before smiling up at me softly, "Okay!"

I gave him one last smile before walking over to Zoro, "Here, Zoro!" I tossed the towel at him when I knew he was looking and he caught it with ease.

"Jeez, was throwing it necessary? You could've just handed it to me like you did with the others," He muttered almost displeased with my action.

I tilted my head in confusion, "I figured you wouldn't have liked it. I know you're not that keen with being all mushy and close and stuff."

An irk mark popped up on his forehead as he aggressively dried his hair after he had dried his face and neck, "That's not true."

I pursed my lips together as I rocked back and forth with a doubtful expression, "Sure...whatever you say!" Once I saw Zoro's eye twitch I immediately walked towards Nami and didn't give him a chance to speak, "Here's a towel, Nami!"

When I got close to her though she grabbed me by the collar and held me close to her face with a glare, "You...are in so much debt now." She let go to catch her breath more easily and I put my hands up in defense with an awkward smile.

When she seemed occupied with her breathing, I took the chance to run away to Chopper. I plopped down beside the cute animal who had changed to his regular form and I handed him the last towel with a sigh of relief, "Finally done, huh, Chopper?"

Chopper used the towel to squeeze the water from his clothes before shaking the rest of the water off his fur, "Yeah, hopefully!" He looked at me with a hopeful smile before thanking me for getting towels for everyone.

Sanji comically slow runs to Robin while yelling her name with hearts in his eyes and jumps towards her, but Nami and Chopper embrace her with a hug before he could reach her and he faceplants into the wooden mast of the ship.

Zoro and Usopp go back to the stairs that led up to the bridge Robin, Franky, and I were just on as they talk about Luffy. Franky and Sanji followed them, each at their own separate pace. I take this time to look at the once thriving island that is now up in flames. It was sort of pretty in a way.

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