Chapter 60: Strength

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These three things were the theme of the situation. Scattered around everyone's battered bodies was debris from the destroyed mansion that once stood as a symbol of hopelessness. The sun shining would have been a beautiful sight if not for the horrible sight on the giant ship harboring a habitable land. Large stones, bricks, and concrete laid on the floor, on bodies, or on top of each other as my crewmate's limp bodies fought to stay alive as well as everyone else's.

As for my body, it felt like I had gone through hell and back and then back again. The bruises from my fight with Sanji's fight were becoming evidently more tender and the back injuries and rib injuries from being thrown and tossed around by Oars had started to make it harder for me to breathe or move around, but for some reason my eyes had managed to open just in time to see Zoro attacking the Warlord, hanging on by a thread.

I yelled at my body to move. My heart cried in fear of losing the swordsman and everyone else. These people had finally set me free from my cage, I had to repay my debt. The Warlord and Zoro seemed to talk about something for a little before Sanji had appeared and joined the conversation. They were a little too far away to hear what the conversation was about, but I could take a guess based off the way Zoro knocked Sanji out and pushed him aside.

My fingers began to twitch, allowing the feeling of movement into my hands before slowly flowing up to my arms.

The Warlord had looked at Zoro for a few seconds before saying something and walking over to Luffy. He places his hand on Luffy's chest before withdrawing a huge paw bubble from it and walking back to his place in front of Zoro. I couldn't tell what it was or what it did until he had taken what seemed like a small sample and sent it to Zoro. The green haired man stood still watching it slowly approach him before groaning out in pain once it hit him.

The pain seemed more internal than anything as his body didn't seem like it was gaining more outside wounds. It wasn't the fact that he was hurt that scared me, it was the fact that the small paw bubble that the Warlord had sent towards him was only a small percentage of the entire bubble. If Zoro were to take the whole thing—which I'm assuming he is—then that'd be a ton of damage to one of our main forces. Not only will it take a very long time to heal, but he'd also have to go through an immense amount of pain that he might not even live through.

And that's when my legs found the courage to move once again. And soon enough I was back on my feet, wobbling and stumbling—yes—but back on my feet nonetheless. The adrenaline and sole motivation to help Zoro had driven the pain away from my mind for the time being as I walked over to Zoro, calling out his name.

The swordsman flinched at the sound of my voice before looking to me with furrowed brows, "Stay back, Nightmare."

I placed my hand on a broken off wall of the old mansion for support as I stepped over a giant piece of concrete to get over to him. "Don't be so stubborn," I continue to walk closer and with each step I take Zoro seemed to get tenser, "I'm not here to do what Sanji did."

Zoro narrowed his eyes at me in confusion as I got closer, his concerned gaze observing my physical state as I began to talk once more. The Warlord also watched in silence, a barley noticeable feeling of pleasant surprise radiating off of him as he watched me step forward.

"I know Im not strong enough to take all of that by myself. I'd probably end up dying," I let out a small chuckle followed with a cough before stopping to the left side of Zoro as I looked to the bubble while Zoro looked to me. My gaze moved from the bubble onto Zoro making our eyes meet, "And I know you're probably strong enough to live even if you do take all of that by yourself." I turned away from him again, my determined eyes fixated on the bubble that would cause one of us, hopefully both of us, pain.

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